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bug#23248: 25.1.50; user option rectangle-preview is unused

From: Mark Oteiza
Subject: bug#23248: 25.1.50; user option rectangle-preview is unused
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2016 12:15:27 -0400

This looks like the correct place for rectangle-preview to me.

diff --git a/lisp/rect.el b/lisp/rect.el
index 685213a..82e2297 100644
--- a/lisp/rect.el
+++ b/lisp/rect.el
@@ -408,40 +408,41 @@ defcustom rectangle-preview t
   :type 'boolean)
 (defun rectangle--string-preview ()
-  (let ((str (minibuffer-contents)))
-    (when (equal str "")
-      (setq str (or (car-safe minibuffer-default)
-                    (if (stringp minibuffer-default) minibuffer-default))))
-    (when str (setq str (propertize str 'face 'region)))
-    (with-selected-window rectangle--string-preview-window
-      (unless (or (null rectangle--string-preview-state)
-                  (equal str (car rectangle--string-preview-state)))
-        (rectangle--string-flush-preview)
-        (apply-on-rectangle
-         (lambda (startcol endcol)
-           (let* ((sc (move-to-column startcol))
-                  (start (if (<= sc startcol) (point)
-                           (forward-char -1)
-                           (setq sc (current-column))
-                           (point)))
-                  (ec (move-to-column endcol))
-                  (end (point))
-                  (ol (make-overlay start end)))
-             (push ol (nthcdr 3 rectangle--string-preview-state))
-             ;; FIXME: The extra spacing doesn't interact correctly with
-             ;; the extra spacing added by the rectangular-region-highlight.
-             (when (< sc startcol)
-               (overlay-put ol 'before-string (rectangle--space-to startcol)))
-             (let ((as (when (< endcol ec)
-                         ;; (rectangle--space-to ec)
-                         (spaces-string (- ec endcol))
-                         )))
-               (if (= start end)
-                   (overlay-put ol 'after-string (if as (concat str as) str))
-                 (overlay-put ol 'display str)
-                 (if as (overlay-put ol 'after-string as))))))
-         (nth 1 rectangle--string-preview-state)
-         (nth 2 rectangle--string-preview-state))))))
+  (when rectangle-preview
+    (let ((str (minibuffer-contents)))
+      (when (equal str "")
+        (setq str (or (car-safe minibuffer-default)
+                      (if (stringp minibuffer-default) minibuffer-default))))
+      (when str (setq str (propertize str 'face 'region)))
+      (with-selected-window rectangle--string-preview-window
+        (unless (or (null rectangle--string-preview-state)
+                    (equal str (car rectangle--string-preview-state)))
+          (rectangle--string-flush-preview)
+          (apply-on-rectangle
+           (lambda (startcol endcol)
+             (let* ((sc (move-to-column startcol))
+                    (start (if (<= sc startcol) (point)
+                             (forward-char -1)
+                             (setq sc (current-column))
+                             (point)))
+                    (ec (move-to-column endcol))
+                    (end (point))
+                    (ol (make-overlay start end)))
+               (push ol (nthcdr 3 rectangle--string-preview-state))
+               ;; FIXME: The extra spacing doesn't interact correctly with
+               ;; the extra spacing added by the rectangular-region-highlight.
+               (when (< sc startcol)
+                 (overlay-put ol 'before-string (rectangle--space-to 
+               (let ((as (when (< endcol ec)
+                           ;; (rectangle--space-to ec)
+                           (spaces-string (- ec endcol))
+                           )))
+                 (if (= start end)
+                     (overlay-put ol 'after-string (if as (concat str as) str))
+                   (overlay-put ol 'display str)
+                   (if as (overlay-put ol 'after-string as))))))
+           (nth 1 rectangle--string-preview-state)
+           (nth 2 rectangle--string-preview-state)))))))
 ;; FIXME: Should this be turned into inhibit-region-highlight and made to apply
 ;; to non-rectangular regions as well?

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