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bug#25686: 25.1; gnus always checks the news

From: N. Jackson
Subject: bug#25686: 25.1; gnus always checks the news
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2017 15:05:59 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.2 (gnu/linux)

At 23:13 -0200 on Friday 2017-02-10, rahuljuliato@gmail.com wrote:
> I'm trying to avoid gnus to check news on rss feed and imaps.
> I want it just to open, read my offline stuff and if I need to
> check stuff, press g.
> Everywhere I ask people gives me the same awnser:
> (setq gnus-check-new-newsgroups nil)
> (setq gnus-check-bogus-newsgroups nil)
> This are already in my .emacs (tried also on .gnus) file and M-x gnus
> keeps checking the news when loading.
> I'd like some help on finding out if this is a bug or I'm doing
> something else wrong.

If I understand correctly what you're asking, simply start Gnus with

  M-x gnus-unplugged RET

instead of

  M-x gnus RET

. If, however, the servers/groups you don't want Gnus to check on
startup are not managed by the agent, then you will probably want
to set the variable `gnus-activate-level' to a value lower than
the level of the groups you don't want to have checked on startup,
and/or change the group level of those groups.


  M-: (info "(gnus) Group Levels") RET

for details.

Does this solve the problem?

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