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Re: bug#24483: 25.1; sql-mode error due to nil prompt-cont-regexp

From: Nesa K
Subject: Re: bug#24483: 25.1; sql-mode error due to nil prompt-cont-regexp
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2018 13:52:59 -0800 (PST)
User-agent: G2/1.0

On Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 1:50:11 PM UTC-4, Michael Kleehammer wrote:
> It looks like sql-interactive-remove-continuation-prompt needs to explicitly 
> check for a nil sql-prompt-cont-regexp, which is the default value for some 
> SQL products.
> In particular, this line marked with an arrow on the left needs a guard:
>     (when (and comint-prompt-regexp
>                (or (> (length (or sql-preoutput-hold "")) 0)
>                    (> (or sql-output-newline-count 0) 0)
>                    (not (or (string-match sql-prompt-regexp oline)
>     -->                     (string-match sql-prompt-cont-regexp oline)))))
> In my case I am using a custom "SQL product" for a SQL Server command
> line utility which prints "Connected to xyzzy\n" on startup but there
> are some standard "products" that also don't have a prompt-cont-regexp
> set.
> It should be easy to reproduce using "ansi", but here is how I
> reproduced it with PostgreSQL:
> 1) Set the PostgreSQL regexp to nil:
>     (sql-set-product-feature 'postgres :prompt-cont-regexp nil)
> 2) Make sure psql prints something on connect.  I have this in my
>    ~/.psqlrc:
>     \pset null ยค
> When you open a connection using sql-postgres you'll get:
>     error in process filter: sql-interactive-remove-continuation-prompt: 
> Wrong type argument: stringp, nil
>     error in process filter: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil
> This is new in 25.1.  I used 24.5 and did not have this issue. 
> Thanks,
> Michael Kleehammer
> michael@kleehammer.com
> In GNU Emacs 25.1.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0, NS appkit-1265.21 Version 
> 10.9.5 (Build 13F1911))
>  of 2016-09-17 built on builder10-9.porkrind.org
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> Configured features:
> Important settings:
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>   locale-coding-system: utf-8-unix
> Major mode: Emacs-Lisp
> Minor modes in effect:
>   diff-auto-refine-mode: t
>   magit-auto-revert-mode: t
>   global-git-commit-mode: t
>   shell-dirtrack-mode: t
>   ws-butler-global-mode: t
>   ws-butler-mode: t
>   yas-global-mode: t
>   yas-minor-mode: t
>   ido-vertical-mode: t
>   flx-ido-mode: t
>   ido-everywhere: t
>   global-undo-tree-mode: t
>   undo-tree-mode: t
>   projectile-global-mode: t
>   projectile-mode: t
>   recentf-mode: t
>   pcre-mode: t
>   drag-stuff-global-mode: t
>   drag-stuff-mode: t
>   delete-selection-mode: t
>   cua-mode: t
>   highlight-changes-visible-mode: t
>   show-paren-mode: t
>   global-linum-mode: t
>   linum-mode: t
>   override-global-mode: t
>   global-eldoc-mode: t
>   electric-indent-mode: t
>   mouse-wheel-mode: t
>   menu-bar-mode: t
>   file-name-shadow-mode: t
>   global-font-lock-mode: t
>   font-lock-mode: t
>   auto-composition-mode: t
>   auto-encryption-mode: t
>   auto-compression-mode: t
>   column-number-mode: t
>   line-number-mode: t
>   transient-mark-mode: t
> Recent messages:
> buf: nil
> Login...done
> w #<window 21 on sqlwchar.cpp>
> Quit
> uncompressing sql.el.gz...done
> Mark saved where search started
> Mark set
> Mark saved where search started [4 times]
> Mark set
> Quit
> Load-path shadows:
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> hides 
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> /Users/mkleehammer/.emacs.d/elpa/expand-region-0.10.0/cc-mode-expansions
> /Users/mkleehammer/.emacs.d/misc/undo-tree hides 
> /Users/mkleehammer/.emacs.d/elpa/undo-tree-0.6.5/undo-tree
> /Users/mkleehammer/.emacs.d/misc/python hides 
> /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/lisp/progmodes/python
> /Users/mkleehammer/.emacs.d/elpa/seq-2.16/seq hides 
> /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/lisp/emacs-lisp/seq
> Features:
> (shadow sort mail-extr emacsbug sendmail pp timezone parse-time
> jka-compr shr-color color network-stream nsm starttls url-http tls
> gnutls url-gw url-auth eww mm-url gnus gnus-ems nnheader url-queue shr
> dom browse-url less-css-mode css-mode smie derived wdired web-mode
> disp-table dabbrev misearch multi-isearch smex magit-blame magit-stash
> magit-bisect magit-remote magit-commit magit-sequence magit magit-apply
> magit-wip magit-log magit-diff smerge-mode diff-mode magit-core
> magit-autorevert autorevert filenotify magit-process magit-popup
> magit-mode magit-git crm magit-section magit-utils git-commit log-edit
> message rfc822 mml mml-sec epg mm-decode mm-bodies mm-encode mail-parse
> rfc2231 rfc2047 rfc2045 ietf-drums mailabbrev mail-utils gmm-utils
> mailheader pcvs-util add-log with-editor async-bytecomp async python
> tramp-sh tramp tramp-compat tramp-loaddefs trampver shell format-spec
> dired-aux server sunshine url-cache url url-proxy url-privacy url-expand
> url-methods url-history url-cookie url-domsuf url-util url-parse
> auth-source gnus-util mm-util help-fns mail-prsvr password-cache
> url-vars mailcap cal-china lunar solar cal-dst cal-bahai cal-islam
> cal-hebrew holidays hol-loaddefs appt diary-lib diary-loaddefs cal-menu
> calendar cal-loaddefs sql view tea-time pcomplete esh-var esh-io esh-cmd
> esh-opt esh-ext esh-proc esh-arg esh-groups eshell esh-module esh-mode
> esh-util js2-mode etags xref project eieio eieio-core js sgml-mode
> cc-mode cc-fonts cc-guess cc-menus cc-cmds cc-styles cc-align cc-engine
> cc-vars cc-defs imenu ws-butler whitespace yasnippet cl browse-kill-ring
> avy ido-vertical-mode ido-ubiquitous cl-seq ido-completing-read+
> cus-edit flx-ido flx ido undo-tree iedit iedit-lib flycheck json map
> find-func subr-x projectile ibuf-ext ibuffer dash thingatpt recentf
> tree-widget pcre2el rxt cl-macs re-builder rx drag-stuff
> whole-line-or-region align2 edmacro kmacro wgrep reveal-in-osx-finder
> dired-x dired exec-path-from-shell delsel cua-base hydra lv hilit-chg
> wid-edit paren avoid linum zenburn-theme use-package diminish bind-key
> easy-mmode finder-inf advice info package epg-config seq byte-opt gv
> bytecomp byte-compile cl-extra help-mode easymenu cconv cl-loaddefs
> pcase cl-lib grep compile comint ansi-color ring cus-start cus-load
> time-date mule-util tooltip eldoc electric uniquify ediff-hook vc-hooks
> lisp-float-type mwheel ns-win ucs-normalize term/common-win tool-bar dnd
> fontset image regexp-opt fringe tabulated-list newcomment elisp-mode
> lisp-mode prog-mode register page menu-bar rfn-eshadow timer select
> scroll-bar mouse jit-lock font-lock syntax facemenu font-core frame
> cl-generic cham georgian utf-8-lang misc-lang vietnamese tibetan thai
> tai-viet lao korean japanese eucjp-ms cp51932 hebrew greek romanian
> slovak czech european ethiopic indian cyrillic chinese charscript
> case-table epa-hook jka-cmpr-hook help simple abbrev minibuffer
> cl-preloaded nadvice loaddefs button faces cus-face macroexp files
> text-properties overlay sha1 md5 base64 format env code-pages mule
> custom widget hashtable-print-readable backquote kqueue cocoa ns
> multi-tty make-network-process emacs)
> Memory information:
> ((conses 16 764072 122496)
>  (symbols 48 50260 0)
>  (miscs 40 1811 957)
>  (strings 32 147544 5627)
>  (string-bytes 1 4555893)
>  (vectors 16 105142)
>  (vector-slots 8 2292082 293693)
>  (floats 8 12056 11134)
>  (intervals 56 19325 3290)
>  (buffers 976 43))

The bug is present in emacs version 25.3.1 as well. The same error happens if I 
use sql-ms mode. As Michael noted the error happens within 
sql-interactive-remove-continuation-prompt (oline) function at the line he 
marked with an arrow above. 

I was able to workaround the bug by overriding the function in my .emacs file 
with the following code:

(eval-after-load "sql"
  '(defun sql-interactive-remove-continuation-prompt (oline)
     "Strip out continuation prompts out of the OLINE.

Added to the `comint-preoutput-filter-functions' hook in a SQL
interactive buffer.  If `sql-output-newline-count' is greater than
zero, then an output line matching the continuation prompt is filtered
out.  If the count is zero, then a newline is inserted into the output
to force the output from the query to appear on a new line.

The complication to this filter is that the continuation prompts
may arrive in multiple chunks.  If they do, then the function
saves any unfiltered output in a buffer and prepends that buffer
to the next chunk to properly match the broken-up prompt.

If the filter gets confused, it should reset and stop filtering
to avoid deleting non-prompt output."

     ;; continue gathering lines of text iff
     ;;  + we know what a prompt looks like, and
     ;;  + there is held text, or
     ;;  + there are continuation prompt yet to come, or
     ;;  + not just a prompt string
     (when (and comint-prompt-regexp
                (or (> (length (or sql-preoutput-hold "")) 0)
                    (> (or sql-output-newline-count 0) 0)
                    (not (or (string-match sql-prompt-regexp oline)
                             (and sql-prompt-cont-regexp
                                  (string-match sql-prompt-cont-regexp 

         (let (prompt-found last-nl)

           ;; Add this text to what's left from the last pass
           (setq oline (concat sql-preoutput-hold oline)
                 sql-preoutput-hold "")

           ;; If we are looking for multiple prompts
           (when (and (integerp sql-output-newline-count)
                      (>= sql-output-newline-count 1))
             ;; Loop thru each starting prompt and remove it
             (let ((start-re (sql-starts-with-prompt-re)))
               (while (and (not (string= oline ""))
                           (> sql-output-newline-count 0)
                           (string-match start-re oline))
                 (setq oline (replace-match "" nil nil oline)
                       sql-output-newline-count (1- sql-output-newline-count)
                       prompt-found t)))

             ;; If we've found all the expected prompts, stop looking
             (if (= sql-output-newline-count 0)
                 (setq sql-output-newline-count nil
                       oline (concat "\n" oline))

               ;; Still more possible prompts, leave them for the next pass
               (setq sql-preoutput-hold oline
                     oline "")))

           ;; If no prompts were found, stop looking
           (unless prompt-found
             (setq sql-output-newline-count nil
                   oline (concat oline sql-preoutput-hold)
                   sql-preoutput-hold ""))

           ;; Break up output by physical lines if we haven't hit the final 
           (let ((end-re (sql-ends-with-prompt-re)))
             (unless (and (not (string= oline ""))
                          (string-match end-re oline)
                          (>= (match-end 0) (length oline)))
               ;; Find everything upto the last nl
               (setq last-nl 0)
               (while (string-match "\n" oline last-nl)
                 (setq last-nl (match-end 0)))
               ;; Hold after the last nl, return upto last nl
               (setq sql-preoutput-hold (concat (substring oline last-nl)
                     oline (substring oline 0 last-nl)))))))

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