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Too many bug complaints in one email

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: Too many bug complaints in one email
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 21:30:50 +0200

address@hidden writes:
> - The nomenclature for contexts is confusing. The \name declaration
>   specifies the name of the context type, not the name of the
>   instantiation. The \type specifies what category of context. 
>   Why not rename:
>   \type -> \category (or \class)
>   \name -> \type
>   It would make it much easier to explain this in a concise way.

I prefer to keep the number of reserved  words to a minimum. Maybe we
can do \context -> \name.

> - Aren't there any ledger lines for EasyNotation?

oops! :-)

> - We don't tell people how to find the names of the feta font symbols.
>   It shouldn't be too hard to generate a list to include in the 
>   documentation. Also, in the text markup, it would be better to use 
>   the descriptive symbol names from the first argument of fet_beginchar 
>   instead of the internal names used now in (named "...").


>   you build Lilyond, but I don't know if the RPM or Debian packages 
>   install those into the standard info installation and I've never
>   seen the info version announced. Another disadvantage is the lack
>   of graphical illustrations.
>   Another alternative is to include the full HTML documentation into
>   the RPM and Debian packages (maybe it's done, I've never looked 
>   into them) but that would make them significantly larger because
>   of all the gifs.

The RPM package includes a separate lilypond-documentation package,
containing a copy of the website. (and yes, the executable rpm is 1.2
mb, the website is 3 mb; it's rather large).

Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   address@hidden    | http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen/

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