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Re: gettext

From: Vlada von Strasnic
Subject: Re: gettext
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 02:57:40 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.21i

On Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 02:20:57PM +0200, Bruno Haible wrote:
> Vlada von Strasnic writes:
> > even if i compile the program from sources and ./configure
> > detects NLS , it compiles , i do "make install" and it doesn't work !!!
> Here are a few things that you can check, in order to determine the
> cause of the problem:
>   - Try the command "locale", to see which is the locale that the system uses.
>   - Check your environment variables LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, LC_MESSAGES,
>     LANG, LANGUAGE against the description in the ABOUT-NLS file.
>   - Use the 'strace' utility to see which files are accessed by your
>     program.
>   - Does your program's main() function start out with
>       setlocale(LC_ALL,"") ?
>   - The gettext package's testsuite verifies that translations work.
>     Does "make check" of gettext pass on your system?
yes of course

ok, i said previously that my programs are working. With little bit more
examination i realised , that they are working only occasionaly . 
Because i feel the problem is on the gettext side i'm giving description
of all that.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <locale.h>

     #include <libintl.h>
     #define _(String) gettext (String)
     #define gettext_noop(String) (String)
     #define N_(String) gettext_noop (String)

#define PKG   "gettext_ak"
#define LOCDIR "/zz/mysrc/tests/intl001/locale"

//              cesta ke katalogu je :
//    /dir/locale/language/category/domainname.mo
//     .........                    ..........    //toto lze zadat gettextu 
//                         .......  .........     //toto lze zadat pro kazdy _()
//                 ......                         //pouze velmi neprimo

extern int  _nl_msg_cat_cntr;
void gettext_do_update() { _nl_msg_cat_cntr ++ ; }

int main  () {
        char o[400] ;

        printf ( "* * setlocale:      %s\n"  , setlocale ( LC_ALL, "") ) ;
        printf ( "* * textdomain:     %s\n"  , textdomain (PKG) ) ;
        printf ( "* * bindtextdomain: %s\n"  , bindtextdomain (PKG, LOCDIR) );
        printf ( "* * textdomain:     %s\n"  , textdomain (PKG) ) ;
        printf ("\n" ) ;

        printf ( _("%s goes from hollywood\n") , _("frankie") ) ;
        printf ( _("%s goes from hollywood\n") , _("frankie") ) ;
        printf ("\n" ) ;

//        printf ( "* * setlocale:      %s\n", setlocale(LC_MESSAGES,"de_DE") );
//        setenv ("LC_MESSAGES", "de_DE", 1);   //this doesn't work
//        setenv ("LC_ALL", "pl", 1);         // this doesn't work
//        printf ( "* * setlocale:      %s\n"  , setlocale ( LC_ALL, "") ) ;
        setenv ("LANGUAGE", "cs_CZ", 1);         // this works
        printf ( _("%s goes from hollywood\n") , _("frankie") ) ;
        printf ("\n" ) ;

//        setenv ("LC_ALL", "no", 1);         // this doesn't work
//        printf ( "* * setlocale:      %s\n"  , setlocale ( LC_ALL, "") ) ;
        setenv ("LANGUAGE", "de", 1);
        printf ( _("%s goes from hollywood\n") , _("frankie") ) ;

        return 0;

I'm not supllying message catalogs, because they contain just random strings,
to show that it works. ( just say if you want them and i will send *.tgz)

gcc gettext_ak.c

starting position is "C" .... this means:  unset LC_* , LANGUAGE , LANG;
So we have clean environment and can start right on. Now comes listing of
commands and  ... Please read first comments under the dash-line and return
here ( if you will have enough courage )

03:17/mnt/za/my/te/intl001 0> ./a.out              // simplest run     
* * setlocale:      C
* * textdomain:     gettext_ak
* * bindtextdomain: /zz/mysrc/tests/intl001/locale
* * textdomain:     gettext_ak

frankie goes from hollywood
frankie goes from hollywood

frankie goes from hollywood

frankie goes from hollywood
03:19/mnt/za/my/te/intl001 0> export LC_ALL=en_US       // this works
03:41/mnt/za/my/te/intl001 0> ./a.out
* * setlocale:      en_US
* * textdomain:     gettext_ak
* * bindtextdomain: /zz/mysrc/tests/intl001/locale
* * textdomain:     gettext_ak

frankie goes from hollywood
frankie goes from hollywood

jo nas frantisek goes from hollywood

unser franz  goes from hollywood
03:46/mnt/za/my/te/intl001 0> export LC_ALL=cs_CZ       // this works
03:53/mnt/za/my/te/intl001 0> ./a.out
* * setlocale:      cs_CZ
* * textdomain:     gettext_ak
* * bindtextdomain: /zz/mysrc/tests/intl001/locale
* * textdomain:     gettext_ak

jo nas frantisek goes from hollywood
jo nas frantisek goes from hollywood

jo nas frantisek goes from hollywood

unser franz  goes from hollywood
03:54/mnt/za/my/te/intl001 0> 
05:50/mnt/za/my/te/intl001 0> export LC_ALL=de_DE       // this doesn't
05:59/mnt/za/my/te/intl001 0> ./a.out
* * setlocale:      (null)
* * textdomain:     gettext_ak
* * bindtextdomain: /zz/mysrc/tests/intl001/locale
* * textdomain:     gettext_ak

frankie goes from hollywood
frankie goes from hollywood

frankie goes from hollywood

frankie goes from hollywood
07:33/mnt/za/my/te/intl001 0> export LANGUAGE=de        // hard to tell if
07:47/mnt/za/my/te/intl001 0> ./a.out                   // this result should
* * setlocale:      (null)                              // be considered as
* * textdomain:     gettext_ak                          // passed or failed
* * bindtextdomain: /zz/mysrc/tests/intl001/locale
* * textdomain:     gettext_ak

frankie goes from hollywood
frankie goes from hollywood

frankie goes from hollywood

frankie goes from hollywood
08:12/mnt/za/my/te/intl001 0> export LC_ALL=sk          // this works
08:18/mnt/za/my/te/intl001 0> ./a.out
* * setlocale:      sk
* * textdomain:     gettext_ak
* * bindtextdomain: /zz/mysrc/tests/intl001/locale
* * textdomain:     gettext_ak

unser franz  goes from hollywood
unser franz  goes from hollywood

jo nas frantisek goes from hollywood

unser franz  goes from hollywood
08:20/mnt/za/my/te/intl001 0> 

Comments : Previous code is not very readable ( it lacks my PS1 highlighting ),
so summary of all that is ( i added one more line to this table ) :

LANG | LC_ALL  | LANGUAGE | setlocale | translated | force cs_CZ | force de
 --      --         --          C          no            no          no
 --    cs_CZ        --        cs_CZ       into cs        yes         yes
 --    en_US        --        en_US        no            yes         yes
 --    de_DE        --        (null)       no            no          no
 --    de_DE        de        (null)       no            no          no
 --     sk          de         sk         into de        yes         yes
 --      --         cs          C          no            no          no

What this means ??
1) i hoped LANGUAGE has higher priority then anything , but this shows it's
   not true. It's enough to set some lower priority LC_anything to illegal 
   and LANGUAGE loses 
2) gettext doesn't work even when LC_* are unset . Because it cannot be forced
   to other language - line 1 and the last one !! Isn't that bug ?
3) my system doesn't seem to understand de_DE . During mandrake instalation
   i choosed just en,cz,sk . It means that locale/de/* doesn't contain all that
   monetary,ctime,numbers stuff.  But locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/* exist !!!!
   But gettext is refusing to work . Why ?? I think that catalogs should be
   enough to work .

Let me know if you feel this is/is not a bug.


Other programs works exactly the same way. I previously said they don't work
at all. That was probably by several accidents that probably joined together
        1) it's not obvious for beginner that state of $LANGUAGE is not
                reflected in output of locale(3) .. So month ago, when i
                verified my tests with locale, i had no chance to recognize 
                the reason. ( i had LANGUAGE=en_US , but diagnostic program
                didn't tell  - maybe it should be considered a bug )
        2) my test were usually executed in new shell, so everytime i spawned
                new xterm , it had executed my .bashrc and ... 
        3) as a bad luck i probably didn't tried ls --help in the same shell
                as my programs, but in different ones .
        4) i was very often experimenting with hu_HU as this is favourite
                language of my friend ( he understand just same 20 words , but 
                he like to see it on the screen ) 
So i do apologize about that , but the fault is not completely on my side.
Anyway i'm happy that i can finaly run gimp in czech !

Good night , i'm completely tired 


signed short            (mail)

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