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GNU as problem for aix4.3

From: Thibaud Tortech
Subject: GNU as problem for aix4.3
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2003 15:56:40 +0100

Hi all,

I try to use the GNU assembler as a cross assembler for aix4.3.

The attached source file generates an Illegal Instruction signal on
It was obtained by compiling the following c file by gcc.

    typedef struct { char c1; } X;

    void f () { static X xr = {'A'}; }

    void (*fp)() = &f ;

    /* main () { (*fp)(); } */

The output of objdump show that there's a problem with the symbol f in
the data segment (0x2d is an odd address).

    Disassembly of section .text:

    0000000000000000 <.f>:
       0: 93 e1 ff fc  st r31,-4(r1)
       4: 94 21 ff d8  stu r1,-40(r1)
       8: 7c 3f 0b 78  mr r31,r1
       c: 80 21 00 00  l r1,0(r1)
      10: 83 e1 ff fc  l r31,-4(r1)
      14: 4e 80 00 20  br
      18: 00 00 00 00  .long 0x0
      1c: 00 00 20 60  .long 0x2060
      20: 80 01 00 01  l r0,1(r1)
      24: 00 00 00 18  .long 0x18
      28: 00 01 66 1f  .long 0x1661f
    Disassembly of section .data:

    000000000000002c <TOC>:
      2c: 41 00 00 00  bc 8,0,2c <TOC>

    000000000000002d <f>:
      35: 00 00 2c 00  .long 0x2c00
      39: 00 00 00 00  .long 0x0

    000000000000003c <fp>:
      3c: 00 00 00 2d  .long 0x2d
      40: 00 00 00 2c  .long 0x2c

The function f seems to be well defined but at the address 0x30 (not
I patch the object file, and change the value of fp as follow,

    000000000000003c <fp>:
      3c: 00 00 00 30  .long 0x30
      40: 00 00 00 2c  .long 0x2c

and then I could execute it without any problem.

So it seems that there's a shift between the symbol data and the symbol

This problem appears on both snapshot(030205) and release( of

I try to investigate as far as I could. But now, I'm stuck.

Sorry if I report an already known bug.

Please, let me know if there's a patch to solve this problem (or a

Thank's for your help.

Thibaud Tortech

        .file   "test.c"
        .csect .text[PR]
        .csect _test.rw_c[RW],3
        .byte   65
        .csect .text[PR]
        .align 2
        .globl f
        .globl .f
        .csect f[DS]
        .long .f, TOC[tc0], 0
        .csect .text[PR]
        stw 31,-4(1)
        stwu 1,-40(1)
        mr 31,1
        lwz 1,0(1)
        lwz 31,-4(1)
        .long 0
        .byte 0,0,32,96,128,1,0,1
        .long LT..f-.f
        .short 1
        .byte "f"
        .byte 31
        .align 2
        .globl fp
        .csect .data[RW],3
        .align 2
        .long   f
        .csect .text[PR]
        .csect .data[RW],3
        .long _section_.text

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