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slow egrep

From: Tobias . Schoe
Subject: slow egrep
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 17:29:50 +0200 (MEST)

at "http://directory.fsf.org/grep.html"; you say about "egrep", that "the
result is usually many times faster that UNIX 'grep' or 'egrep.'"

I discovered, that in my case, gnu-egrep (2.5.1) is over thousand times
slower then for example HP-UX-egrep.

Please make an "egrep -v -f xf xd" together with following 2 files appended
at the end of the mail and you can reproduce my case.

Is it easy to fix this problem?


Best regards,

GMX ProMail mit bestem Virenschutz http://www.gmx.net/de/go/mail
+++ Empfehlung der Redaktion +++ Internet Professionell 10/04 +++

Attachment: xf
Description: Text document

Attachment: xd
Description: Text document

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