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Re: gawk number to string bug

From: Andrew J. Schorr
Subject: Re: gawk number to string bug
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 17:20:57 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

I thought of another issue.  Currently, gawk has the following behavior:

   $ gawk 'BEGIN {printf "%d\n",-.4}'

And this behavior is the same with the patch I just sent.
But my patch differs for this case:

   $ ./gawk 'BEGIN {printf "%d\n",-0.0}'

Versus standard (unpatched) gawk:

   $ gawk 'BEGIN {printf "%d\n",-0.0}'

Is it clear what the proper behavior should be in such cases?  Is it
well defined?  It seems like a regression test could be useful to
cover this issue...

Also, there are rounding differences between my current patch and
standard gawk:

   $ gawk 'BEGIN {printf "%d\n",-.9}'

   $ ./gawk 'BEGIN {printf "%d\n",-.9}'

So do we need to truncate before calling snprintf("%.0f")?  Is it well-defined
what happens when a non-integral value is printed using "%d" in gawk?


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