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Re: UUencode and emails problems

From: Bruce Korb
Subject: Re: UUencode and emails problems
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2015 16:16:16 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.1.0

On 08/26/15 11:44, RALPH ABI RACHED wrote:
WEEKDAY=`date '+%a'`
if [[ "$WEEKDAY" = "Sun" ]]
         print "Week Number,From,To,Idle Average (%),Load Average (%)" > 
         SAR_FILES_COUNT=`ls -ltr ${SAR_ARCHIVE_DIR}/sar_${THIS_YEAR}* | wc -l`

         let i=1
         while (( i < SAR_FILES_COUNT ))
                         let j=i+7
                         ls -ltr ${SAR_ARCHIVE_DIR}/sar_${THIS_YEAR}* | awk '{print $9}' | 
sed -n "${i},${j}p" | xargs grep Average > $TRASH/temp.sar
                         let SUM=0
                         while read LINE
                                         IDLE_VAL=`echo -e $LINE | awk '{print 
                                         let SUM=SUM+IDLE_VAL
                         done < $TRASH/temp.sar
                         let AVG=SUM/7

                         FIRST_DAY=`sed -n '1p' $TRASH/temp.sar | awk -F_ 
'{print $3}' | awk -F: '{print $1}'`
                         LAST_DAY=`sed -n '7p' $TRASH/temp.sar | awk -F_ 
'{print $3}' | awk -F: '{print $1}'`
                         let WEEK_NUMBER=${j}/7
                         let LOAD_AVG=100-AVG
                         let i=j
         uuencode $TRASH/week_avg.sar weekly_avg_$CURRENT_DATE.csv >> 

echo -e $TXT_MAIL >> /svw/svwtst1b/work/billops/temp_mail.sar

nail -r "BOP" -s "System Activity Reporter" $TO < 


A) why not just "tar -cJf" it and attach using MIME.
B) if you have to roll your own, wny not use "shar"?
   it just does all that stuff for you.
C) you can use compression options with shar, too,
   to make it much moore compact than just "uuencoding"
   all the files
D) *plus* if files meet the criteria for "text" files,
   the uuencoding step can be skipped.

So, what are you really trying to accomplish?

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