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Re: [bug-gnuastro] errors

From: rcalvi
Subject: Re: [bug-gnuastro] errors
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2017 11:31:05 +0100
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Hi Mohammad,
also with your last version gnuastro-0.2.64-a5ae the error is the same. I attached you the .log file.

The operative system in the institute is Fedora 21.

I have a Mac laptop personal.. I will try on it too.


Quoting Mohammad Akhlaghi <address@hidden>:

Hi Rosa,

Thanks, this is more helpful. So some tests pass and some fail. Initially, I thought it doesn't even get to this step. Could you send me the `tests/test-suite.log' file (from the top un-packed tarball directory). It contains a more detailed report of all the tests that failed, its a plain text file so you can open it your self with a text editor and see the errors.

But before doing that could you try the not-yet-released tarball in the link below. I should have pointed you to this from the begining, I am sorry! It is currently the most recent fully-working version of Gnuastro with many other bugs fixed.


So if some of the `make check' tests fail as before on this version also, I would be most grateful if you could send me the `tests/test-suite.log', that should hopefully shed more light on why these tests have failed. By the way, what operating system are you using?


Postdoctoral research fellow,
Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon (CRAL),
Observatoire de Lyon. 9, Avenue Charles André,
Saint Genis Laval (69230), France.

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Attachment: test-suite.log
Description: Text document

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