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[Bug-gnubg] Assertion in render.c line 1178 when saving PNG pos

From: Holger
Subject: [Bug-gnubg] Assertion in render.c line 1178 when saving PNG pos
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 18:09:21 +0100


Current CVS under Win2k,  * $Id: render.c,v 1.7 2002/12/17 01:02:28

I've started a match, let GNUbg move and tried to save this position. Gives
reproducibly the above assertion. Ignoring it triggers the next assert at
line 1196 and after ignoring this again GNUbg crashes.

render.c line 1169 ff.:
static void RenderGlyph( unsigned char *puch, int nStride, FT_Glyph pftg,
                         int xOff, int yOff, unsigned char r, unsigned char g,
                         unsigned char b ) {

    FT_BitmapGlyph pftbg;
    FT_Bitmap *pb;
    int x, y, x0 = 0, y0 = 0;
here -->    assert( pftg->format == FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP );

    pftbg = (FT_BitmapGlyph) pftg;
    pb = &pftbg->bitmap;

    xOff += pftbg->left;
    yOff -= pftbg->top;

    if( xOff < 0 ) {
        x0 = -xOff;
        xOff = 0;

    if( yOff < 0 ) {
        y0 = -yOff;
        yOff = 0;
and here -->    assert( pb->pixel_mode == FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY );



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