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From: Simon Josefsson
Subject: gdoc
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 17:23:24 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

I'm using a script "gdoc" in my packages, and synchronizing it between
packages is cumbersome.  Adding it to gnulib thus seem appropriate.
However, the copyright on gdoc is not owned by the FSF.  OTOH, there
are several files that carry other copyrights in gnulib too, so is
this a critical problem?

Some files in gnulib that have other copyright notices are several
math files (acosl.c, asinl.c, atanl.c, cosl.c, etc), fts.c (from
glibc??), and inet_?to?.c (from glibc).

If the policy is to strongly prefer FSF owned files, but allow for
exceptions, I'm attaching "gdoc" for review below.  It is a pretty
simple script, but quite useful to generate documentation in many
formats from GTK-DOC-style source code comments.


## Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Simon Josefsson    ##
##                    added -texinfo, -listfunc                  ##
##                    man page revamp                            ##
##                    various improvements                       ##
## Copyright (c) 1998 Michael Zucchi, All Rights Reserved        ##
##                    hacked to allow -tex option --nmav         ##
##                                                               ##
## This software falls under the GNU Public License. Please read ##
##              the COPYING file for more information            ##

# This will read a 'c' file and scan for embedded comments in the
# style of gnome comments (+minor extensions - see below).
# This program is modified by Nikos Mavroyanopoulos, for the gnutls
# project.

# Note: This only supports 'c'.

# usage:
# gdoc [ -docbook | -html | -text | -man | -tex | -texinfo | -listfunc ]
#      [ -sourceversion verno ] [ -include file | -includefuncprefix ]
#      [ -bugsto address ]
#      [ -seeinfo infonode ] [ -copyright notice ] [ -verbatimcopying ]
#      [ -function funcname [ -function funcname ...] ] c file(s)s > outputfile
#  Set output format using one of -docbook, -html, -text, -man, -tex,
#  -texinfo, or -listfunc.  Default is man.
#  -sourceversion
#       Version number for source code, e.g. '1.0.4'.  Used in 'man' headers.
#       Defaults to using current date.
#  -include FILE
#       For man pages, mention #include <FILE.h> in the synopsis.
#  -includefuncprefix
#       For man pages, mention a #include <FILE.h> in the synopsis.
#       The FILE derived from the function prefix.  For example, a
#       function gss_init_sec_context will generate an include
#       statement of #include <gss.h>.
#  -bugsto address
#       For man pages, include a section about reporting bugs and mention
#       the given e-mail address, e.g 'address@hidden'.
#  -seeinfo infonode
#       For man pages, include a section that point to an info manual
#       for more information.
#  -copyright notice
#       For man pages, include a copyright section with the given
#       notice after a preamble.  Use, e.g., '2002, 2003 Simon Josefsson'.
#  -verbatimcopying
#       For man pages, and when the -copyright parameter is used,
#       add a licensing statement that say verbatim copying is permitted.
#  -function funcname
#       If set, then only generate documentation for the given function(s).  All
#       other functions are ignored.
#  c files - list of 'c' files to process
#  All output goes to stdout, with errors to stderr.

# format of comments.
# In the following table, (...)? signifies optional structure.
#                         (...)* signifies 0 or more structure elements
# /**
#  * function_name(:)? (- short description)?
# (* @parameterx: (description of parameter x)?)*
# (* a blank line)?
#  * (Description:)? (Description of function)?
#  * (Section header: (section description)? )*
#  (*)?*/
# So .. the trivial example would be:
# /**
#  * my_function
#  **/
# If the Description: header tag is ommitted, then there must be a blank line
# after the last parameter specification.
# e.g.
# /**
#  * my_function - does my stuff
#  * @my_arg: its mine damnit
#  *
#  * Does my stuff explained. 
#  */
#  or, could also use:
# /**
#  * my_function - does my stuff
#  * @my_arg: its mine damnit
#  * Description: Does my stuff explained. 
#  */
# etc.
# All descriptions can be multiline, apart from the short function description.
# All descriptive text is further processed, scanning for the following special
# patterns, which are highlighted appropriately.
# 'funcname()' - function
# '$ENVVAR' - environmental variable OBSOLETE (?)
# '#struct_name' - name of a structure
# '@parameter' - name of a parameter
# '%CONST' - name of a constant.

# Extensions for LaTeX:
# 1. the symbol '->' will be replaced with a rightarrow
# 2. x^y with ${x}^{y}$.
# 3. xxx\: with xxx:

use POSIX qw(strftime);

# match expressions used to find embedded type information
$type_constant = "\\\%(\\w+)";
$type_func = "(\\w+\\(\\))";
$type_param = "\\\@(\\w+)";
$type_struct = "\\\#(\\w+)";
$type_env = "(\\\$\\w+)";

# Output conversion substitutions.
#  One for each output format

# these work fairly well
%highlights_html = ( $type_constant, "<i>\$1</i>",
                     $type_func, "<b>\$1</b>",
                     $type_struct, "<i>\$1</i>",
                     $type_param, "<tt><b>\$1</b></tt>" );
$blankline_html = "<p>";

%highlights_texinfo = ( $type_constant, "address@hidden",
                        $type_func, "address@hidden",
                        $type_struct, "address@hidden",
                        $type_param, "address@hidden" );
$blankline_texinfo = "";

%highlights_tex = ( $type_constant, "{\\\\it \$1}",
                     $type_func, "{\\\\bf \$1}",
                     $type_struct, "{\\\\it \$1}",
                     $type_param, "{\\\\bf \$1}" );
$blankline_tex = "\\\\";

# sgml, docbook format
%highlights_sgml = ( $type_constant, "<replaceable 
                     $type_func, "<function>\$1</function>",
                     $type_struct, "<structname>\$1</structname>",
                     $type_env, "<envar>\$1</envar>",
                     $type_param, "<parameter>\$1</parameter>" );
$blankline_sgml = "</para><para>\n";

# these are pretty rough
%highlights_man = ( $type_constant, "\\\\fB\$1\\\\fP",
                    $type_func, "\\\\fB\$1\\\\fP",
                    $type_struct, "\\\\fB\$1\\\\fP",
                    $type_param, "\\\\fI\$1\\\\fP" );
$blankline_man = "";

# text-mode
%highlights_text = ( $type_constant, "\$1",
                     $type_func, "\$1",
                     $type_struct, "\$1",
                     $type_param, "\$1" );
$blankline_text = "";

sub usage {
    print "Usage: $0 [ -v ] [ -docbook | -html | -text | -man | -tex | -texinfo 
 -listfunc ]\n";
    print "         [ -sourceversion verno ] [ -include file | 
-includefuncprefix ]\n";
    print "         [ -bugsto address ] [ -seeinfo infonode ] [ -copyright 
    print "         [ -verbatimcopying ]\n";
    print "         [ -function funcname [ -function funcname ...] ]\n";
    print "         c source file(s) > outputfile\n";
    exit 1;

# read arguments
if ($#ARGV==-1) {

$verbose = 0;
$output_mode = "man";
%highlights = %highlights_man;
$blankline = $blankline_man;
$modulename = "API Documentation";
$sourceversion = strftime "%Y-%m-%d", localtime;
$function_only = 0;
while ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-(.*)/) {
    $cmd = shift @ARGV;
    if ($cmd eq "-html") {
        $output_mode = "html";
        %highlights = %highlights_html;
        $blankline = $blankline_html;
    } elsif ($cmd eq "-man") {
        $output_mode = "man";
        %highlights = %highlights_man;
        $blankline = $blankline_man;
    } elsif ($cmd eq "-tex") {
        $output_mode = "tex";
        %highlights = %highlights_tex;
        $blankline = $blankline_tex;
    } elsif ($cmd eq "-texinfo") {
        $output_mode = "texinfo";
        %highlights = %highlights_texinfo;
        $blankline = $blankline_texinfo;
    } elsif ($cmd eq "-text") {
        $output_mode = "text";
        %highlights = %highlights_text;
        $blankline = $blankline_text;
    } elsif ($cmd eq "-docbook") {
        $output_mode = "sgml";
        %highlights = %highlights_sgml;
        $blankline = $blankline_sgml;
    } elsif ($cmd eq "-listfunc") {
        $output_mode = "listfunc";
    } elsif ($cmd eq "-module") { # not needed for sgml, inherits from calling 
        $modulename = shift @ARGV;
    } elsif ($cmd eq "-sourceversion") {
        $sourceversion = shift @ARGV;
    } elsif ($cmd eq "-include") {
        $include = shift @ARGV;
    } elsif ($cmd eq "-includefuncprefix") {
        $includefuncprefix = 1;
    } elsif ($cmd eq "-bugsto") {
        $bugsto = shift @ARGV;
    } elsif ($cmd eq "-copyright") {
        $copyright = shift @ARGV;
    } elsif ($cmd eq "-verbatimcopying") {
        $verbatimcopying = 1;
    } elsif ($cmd eq "-seeinfo") {
        $seeinfo = shift @ARGV;
    } elsif ($cmd eq "-function") { # to only output specific functions
        $function_only = 1;
        $function = shift @ARGV;
        $function_table{$function} = 1;
    } elsif ($cmd eq "-v") {
        $verbose = 1;
    } elsif (($cmd eq "-h") || ($cmd eq "--help")) {

# dumps section contents to arrays/hashes intended for that purpose.
sub dump_section {
    my $name = shift @_;
    my $contents = join "\n", @_;

    if ($name =~ m/$type_constant/) {
        $name = $1;
#       print STDERR "constant section '$1' = '$contents'\n";
        $constants{$name} = $contents;
    } elsif ($name =~ m/$type_param/) {
#       print STDERR "parameter def '$1' = '$contents'\n";
        $name = $1;
        $parameters{$name} = $contents;
    } else {
#       print STDERR "other section '$name' = '$contents'\n";
        $sections{$name} = $contents;
        push @sectionlist, $name;

# output function
# parameters, a hash.
#  function => "function name"
#  parameterlist => @list of parameters
#  parameters => %parameter descriptions
#  sectionlist => @list of sections
#  sections => %descriont descriptions

sub repstr {
    $pattern = shift;
    $repl = shift;
    $match1 = shift;
    $match2 = shift;
    $match3 = shift;
    $match4 = shift;

    $output = $repl;
    $output =~ s,\$1,$match1,g;
    $output =~ s,\$2,$match2,g;
    $output =~ s,\$3,$match3,g;
    $output =~ s,\$4,$match4,g;

    eval "\$return = qq/$output/";

#    print "pattern $pattern matched 1=$match1 2=$match2 3=$match3 4=$match4 
replace $repl yielded $output interpolated $return\n";


sub output_highlight {
    my $contents = join "\n", @_;
    my $line;

    foreach $pattern (keys %highlights) {
#       print "scanning pattern $pattern ($highlights{$pattern})\n";
        $contents =~ s:$pattern:repstr($pattern, $highlights{$pattern}, $1, $2, 
$3, $4):gse;
    foreach $line (split "\n", $contents) {
        if ($line eq ""){
            print $lineprefix, $blankline;
        } else {
            print $lineprefix, $line;
        print "\n";

sub just_highlight {
    my $contents = join "\n", @_;
    my $line;
    my $ret = "";

    foreach $pattern (keys %highlights) {
#       print "scanning pattern $pattern ($highlights{$pattern})\n";
        $contents =~ s:$pattern:repstr($pattern, $highlights{$pattern}, $1, $2, 
$3, $4):gse;
    foreach $line (split "\n", $contents) {
        if ($line eq ""){
            $ret = $ret . $lineprefix . $blankline;
        } else {
            $ret = $ret . $lineprefix . $line;
        $ret = $ret . "\n";

    return $ret;

# output in texinfo
sub output_texinfo {
    my %args = %{$_[0]};
    my ($parameter, $section);
    my $count;

    print "address@hidden ".$args{'function'}."\n";
    print "address@hidden".$args{'function'}."}\n";
    print "address@hidden {" . $args{'functiontype'} . "} ";
    print "{".$args{'function'}."} ";
    print "(";
    $count = 0;
    foreach $parameter (@{$args{'parameterlist'}}) {
        print $args{'parametertypes'}{$parameter}." 
        if ($count != $#{$args{'parameterlist'}}) {
            print ", ";
    print ")\n";
    foreach $parameter (@{$args{'parameterlist'}}) {
        if ($args{'parameters'}{$parameter}) {
            print "address@hidden".$parameter."}: ";
            print "\n";
    foreach $section (@{$args{'sectionlist'}}) {
        print "address@hidden:} " if $section ne $section_default;
        $args{'sections'}{$section} =~ s:([{}]):address@hidden:gs;
    print "address@hidden deftypefun\n\n";

# output in html
sub output_html {
    my %args = %{$_[0]};
    my ($parameter, $section);
    my $count;
    print "\n\n<a name=\"". $args{'function'} . 

    print "<i>".$args{'functiontype'}."</i>\n";
    print "<b>".$args{'function'}."</b>\n";
    print "(";
    $count = 0;
    foreach $parameter (@{$args{'parameterlist'}}) {
        print "<i>".$args{'parametertypes'}{$parameter}."</i> 
        if ($count != $#{$args{'parameterlist'}}) {
            print ", ";
    print ")\n";

    print "<h3>Arguments</h3>\n";
    print "<dl>\n";
    foreach $parameter (@{$args{'parameterlist'}}) {
        print "<dt><i>".$args{'parametertypes'}{$parameter}."</i> 
        print "<dd>";
    print "</dl>\n";
    foreach $section (@{$args{'sectionlist'}}) {
        print "<h3>$section</h3>\n";
        print "<ul>\n";
        print "</ul>\n";
    print "<hr>\n";

# output in tex
sub output_tex {
    my %args = %{$_[0]};
    my ($parameter, $section);
    my $count;
    my $func = $args{'function'};
    my $param;
    my $param2;
    my $sec;
    my $check;
    my $type;

    $func =~ s/_/\\_/g;

    print "\n\n\\subsection{". $func . "}\n\\label{" . $args{'function'} . 

    $type = $args{'functiontype'};
    $type =~ s/_/\\_/g;

    print "{\\it ".$type."}\n";
    print "{\\bf ".$func."}\n";
    print "(";
    $count = 0;
    foreach $parameter (@{$args{'parameterlist'}}) {
        $param = $args{'parametertypes'}{$parameter};
        $param2 = $parameter;
        $param =~ s/_/\\_/g;
        $param2 =~ s/_/\\_/g;

        print "{\\it ".$param."} {\\bf ".$param2."}";
        if ($count != $#{$args{'parameterlist'}}) {
            print ", ";
    print ")\n";

    print "\n{\\large{Arguments}}\n";

    print "\\begin{itemize}\n";
    foreach $parameter (@{$args{'parameterlist'}}) {
        $param1 = $args{'parametertypes'}{$parameter};
        $param1 =~ s/_/\\_/g;
        $param2 = $parameter;
        $param2 =~ s/_/\\_/g;

        $check = 1;
        print "\\item {\\it ".$param1."} {\\bf ".$param2."}: \n";
#       print "\n";

        $param3 = $args{'parameters'}{$parameter};
        $param3 =~ s/#([a-zA-Z\_]+)/{\\it \1}/g;

        $out = just_highlight($param3);
        $out =~ s/_/\\_/g;
        print $out;
    if ($check==0) {
        print "\\item void\n";
    print "\\end{itemize}\n";

    foreach $section (@{$args{'sectionlist'}}) {
        $sec = $section;
        $sec =~ s/_/\\_/g;
        $sec =~ s/#([a-zA-Z\_]+)/{\\it \1}/g;

        print "\n{\\large{$sec}}\\\\\n";
        print "\\begin{rmfamily}\n";

        $sec = $args{'sections'}{$section};
        $sec =~ s/\\:/:/g;
        $sec =~ s/#([a-zA-Z\_]+)/{\\it \1}/g;
        $sec =~ s/->/\$\\rightarrow\$/g;
        $sec =~ s/([0-9]+)\^([0-9]+)/\$\{\1\}\^\{\2\}\$/g;

        $out = just_highlight($sec);
        $out =~ s/_/\\_/g;

        print $out;
        print "\\end{rmfamily}\n";
    print "\n";

# output in sgml DocBook
sub output_sgml {
    my %args = %{$_[0]};
    my ($parameter, $section);
    my $count;
    my $id;

    $id = $args{'module'}."-".$args{'function'};
    $id =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]/-/g;

    print "<refentry>\n";
    print "<refmeta>\n";
    print "<refentrytitle><phrase 
    print "</refmeta>\n";
    print "<refnamediv>\n";
    print " <refname>".$args{'function'}."</refname>\n";
    print " <refpurpose>\n";
    print "  ".$args{'purpose'}."\n";
    print " </refpurpose>\n";
    print "</refnamediv>\n";

    print "<refsynopsisdiv>\n";
    print " <title>Synopsis</title>\n";
    print "  <funcsynopsis>\n";
    print "   <funcdef>".$args{'functiontype'}." ";
    print "<function>".$args{'function'}." ";
    print "</function></funcdef>\n";

#    print "<refsect1>\n";
#    print " <title>Synopsis</title>\n";
#    print "  <funcsynopsis>\n";
#    print "   <funcdef>".$args{'functiontype'}." ";
#    print "<function>".$args{'function'}." ";
#    print "</function></funcdef>\n";

    $count = 0;
    if ($#{$args{'parameterlist'}} >= 0) {
        foreach $parameter (@{$args{'parameterlist'}}) {
            print "   <paramdef>".$args{'parametertypes'}{$parameter};
            print " <parameter>$parameter</parameter></paramdef>\n";
    } else {
        print "  <void>\n";
    print "  </funcsynopsis>\n";
    print "</refsynopsisdiv>\n";
#    print "</refsect1>\n";

    # print parameters
    print "<refsect1>\n <title>Arguments</title>\n";
#    print "<para>\nArguments\n";
    if ($#{$args{'parameterlist'}} >= 0) {
        print " <variablelist>\n";
        foreach $parameter (@{$args{'parameterlist'}}) {
            print "  <varlistentry>\n   
            print "   <listitem>\n    <para>\n";
            $lineprefix="     ";
            print "    </para>\n   </listitem>\n  </varlistentry>\n";
        print " </variablelist>\n";
    } else {
        print " <para>\n  None\n </para>\n";
    print "</refsect1>\n";

    # print out each section
    $lineprefix="   ";
    foreach $section (@{$args{'sectionlist'}}) {
        print "<refsect1>\n <title>$section</title>\n <para>\n";
#       print "<para>\n$section\n";
        if ($section =~ m/EXAMPLE/i) {
            print "<example><para>\n";
#       print "</para>";
        if ($section =~ m/EXAMPLE/i) {
            print "</para></example>\n";
        print " </para>\n</refsect1>\n";

    print "\n\n";

# output in man
sub output_man {
    my %args = %{$_[0]};
    my ($parameter, $section);
    my $count;

    print ".\\\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!  It was generated by gdoc.\n";
    print ".TH \"$args{'function'}\" 3 \"$args{'sourceversion'}\" \"". 
$args{'module'} . "\" \"". $args{'module'} . "\"\n";

    print ".SH NAME\n";

    print $args{'function'};
    if ($args{'purpose'}) {
        print " \\- " . $args{'purpose'} . "\n";
    } else {
        print " \\- API function\n";

    print ".SH SYNOPSIS\n";
    print ".B #include <". $args{'include'} . ">\n"
        if $args{'include'};
    print ".B #include <". lc((split /_/, $args{'function'})[0]) . ".h>\n"
        if $args{'includefuncprefix'};
    print ".sp\n";
    print ".BI \"".$args{'functiontype'}." ".$args{'function'}."(";
    $count = 0;
    foreach $parameter (@{$args{'parameterlist'}}) {
        print $args{'parametertypes'}{$parameter}." \" ".$parameter." \"";
        if ($count != $#{$args{'parameterlist'}}) {
            print ", ";
    print ");\"\n";

    print ".SH ARGUMENTS\n";
    foreach $parameter (@{$args{'parameterlist'}}) {
        print ".IP \"".$args{'parametertypes'}{$parameter}." ".$parameter."\" 
    foreach $section (@{$args{'sectionlist'}}) {
        print ".SH \"" . uc($section) . "\"\n";
        $sec = $args{'sections'}{$section};
        $sec =~ s/-/\\-/g;

    if ($args{'bugsto'}) {
        print ".SH \"REPORTING BUGS\"\n";
        print "Report bugs to <". $args{'bugsto'} . ">.\n";

    if ($args{'copyright'}) {
        print ".SH COPYRIGHT\n";
        print "Copyright \\(co ". $args{'copyright'} . ".\n";
        if ($args{'verbatimcopying'}) {
            print ".br\n";
            print "Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies 
of this\n";
            print "manual provided the copyright notice and this permission 
notice are\n";
            print "preserved on all copies.\n";

    if ($args{'seeinfo'}) {
        print ".SH \"SEE ALSO\"\n";
        print "The full documentation for\n";
        print ".B " . $args{'module'} . "\n";
        print "is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If the\n";
        print ".B info\n";
        print "and\n";
        print ".B " . $args{'module'} . "\n";
        print "programs are properly installed at your site, the command\n";
        print ".IP\n";
        print ".B info " . $args{'seeinfo'} . "\n";
        print ".PP\n";
        print "should give you access to the complete manual.\n";

sub output_listfunc {
    my %args = %{$_[0]};
    print $args{'function'} . "\n";

# output in text
sub output_text {
    my %args = %{$_[0]};
    my ($parameter, $section);

    print "Function = ".$args{'function'}."\n";
    print "  return type: ".$args{'functiontype'}."\n\n";
    foreach $parameter (@{$args{'parameterlist'}}) {
        print " ".$args{'parametertypes'}{$parameter}." ".$parameter."\n";
        print "    -> ".$args{'parameters'}{$parameter}."\n";
    foreach $section (@{$args{'sectionlist'}}) {
        print " $section:\n";
        print "    -> ";

# generic output function - calls the right one based
# on current output mode.
sub output_function {
#    output_html(@_);
    eval "output_".$output_mode."(address@hidden);";

# takes a function prototype and spits out all the details
# stored in the global arrays/hsahes.
sub dump_function {
    my $prototype = shift @_;

    if ($prototype =~ m/^()([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\)]*)\)/ ||
        $prototype =~ m/^(\w+)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\)]*)\)/ ||
        $prototype =~ m/^(\w+\s*\*)\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\)]*)\)/ ||
        $prototype =~ m/^(\w+\s+\w+)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\)]*)\)/ ||
        $prototype =~ m/^(\w+\s+\w+\s*\*)\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\)]*)\)/)  
        $return_type = $1;
        $function_name = $2;
        $args = $3;

#       print STDERR "ARGS = '$args'\n";

        foreach $arg (split ',', $args) {
            # strip leading/trailing spaces
            $arg =~ s/^\s*//;
            $arg =~ s/\s*$//;
#           print STDERR "SCAN ARG: '$arg'\n";
            @args = split('\s', $arg);

#           print STDERR " -> @args\n";
            $param = pop @args;
#           print STDERR " -> @args\n";
            if ($param =~ m/^(\*+)(.*)/) {
                $param = $2;
                push @args, $1;
            if ($param =~ m/^(.*)(\[\])$/) {
                $param = $1;
                push @args, $2;
#           print STDERR " :> @args\n";
            $type = join " ", @args;

            if ($parameters{$param} eq "" && $param != "void") {
                $parameters{$param} = "-- undescribed --";
                print STDERR "warning: $lineno: Function parameter '$param' not 
described in '$function_name'\n";

            push @parameterlist, $param;
            $parametertypes{$param} = $type;

#           print STDERR "param = '$param', type = '$type'\n";
    } else {
        print STDERR "warning: $lineno: Cannot understand prototype: 

    if ($function_only==0 || defined($function_table{$function_name})) {
        output_function({'function' => $function_name,
                         'module' => $modulename,
                         'sourceversion' => $sourceversion,
                         'include' => $include,
                         'includefuncprefix' => $includefuncprefix,
                         'bugsto' => $bugsto,
                         'copyright' => $copyright,
                         'verbatimcopying' => $verbatimcopying,
                         'seeinfo' => $seeinfo,
                         'functiontype' => $return_type,
                         'parameterlist' => address@hidden,
                         'parameters' => \%parameters,
                         'parametertypes' => \%parametertypes,
                         'sectionlist' => address@hidden,
                         'sections' => \%sections,
                         'purpose' => $function_purpose

# main
# states
# 0 - normal code
# 1 - looking for function name
# 2 - scanning field start.
# 3 - scanning prototype.
$state = 0;
$section = "";

$doc_special = "address@hidden";

$doc_start = "^/\\*\\*\$";
$doc_end = "\\*/";
$doc_com = "\\s*\\*\\s*";
$doc_func = $doc_com."(\\w+):?";
$doc_sect = $doc_com."([".$doc_special."[:upper:]][\\w ]+):\\s*(.*)";
$doc_content = $doc_com."(.*)";

%constants = ();
%parameters = ();
@parameterlist = ();
%sections = ();
@sectionlist = ();

$contents = "";
$section_default = "Description";       # default section
$section = $section_default;

$lineno = 0;
foreach $file (@ARGV) {
    if (!open(IN,"<$file")) {
        print STDERR "Error: Cannot open file $file\n";
    while (<IN>) {

        if ($state == 0) {
            if (/$doc_start/o) {
                $state = 1;             # next line is always the function name
        } elsif ($state == 1) { # this line is the function name (always)
            if (/$doc_func/o) {
                $function = $1;
                $state = 2;
                if (/-\s*(.*)/) {
                    $function_purpose = $1;
                } else {
                    $function_purpose = "";
                if ($verbose) {
                    print STDERR "Info($lineno): Scanning doc for $function\n";
            } else {
                print STDERR "warning: $lineno: Cannot understand $_ on line 
                " - I thought it was a doc line\n";
                $state = 0;
        } elsif ($state == 2) { # look for head: lines, and include content
            if (/$doc_sect/o) {
                $newsection = $1;
                $newcontents = $2;

                if ($contents ne "") {
                    dump_section($section, $contents);
                    $section = $section_default;

                $contents = $newcontents;
                if ($contents ne "") {
                    $contents .= "\n";
                $section = $newsection;
            } elsif (/$doc_end/) {

                if ($contents ne "") {
                    dump_section($section, $contents);
                    $section = $section_default;
                    $contents = "";

#           print STDERR "end of doc comment, looking for prototype\n";
                $prototype = "";
                $state = 3;
            } elsif (/$doc_content/) {
                # miguel-style comment kludge, look for blank lines after
                # @parameter line to signify start of description
                if ($1 eq "" && $section =~ m/^@/) {
                    dump_section($section, $contents);
                    $section = $section_default;
                    $contents = "";
                } else {
                    $contents .= $1."\n";
            } else {
                # i dont know - bad line?  ignore.
                print STDERR "warning: $lineno: Bad line: $_";
        } elsif ($state == 3) { # scanning for function { (end of prototype)
            if (m#\s*/\*\s+MACDOC\s*#io) {
              # do nothing
            elsif (/([^\{]*)/) {
                $prototype .= $1;
            if (/\{/) {
                $prototype =~ s@/\*.*?\*/@@gos; # strip comments.
                $prototype =~ address@hidden@ @gos; # strip newlines/cr's.
                $prototype =~ address@hidden +@@gos; # strip leading spaces

                $function = "";
                %constants = ();
                %parameters = ();
                %parametertypes = ();
                @parameterlist = ();
                %sections = ();
                @sectionlist = ();
                $prototype = "";

                $state = 0;

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