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one more failure on Solaris 10

From: Jim Meyering
Subject: one more failure on Solaris 10
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 09:02:53 +0100

Not a serious problem, but annoying still to have one test failure:

FAIL: test-utimens (exit: 134)

test-futimens.h:48: assertion failed

Here's strace output:

stat64("test-utimens.tfile", 0xFFBFFA48)        = 0
open64("test-utimens.tfile", O_WRONLY)          = 3
utimes("test-utimens.tfile", 0xFFBFF830)        = 0
close(3)                                        = 0
stat64("test-utimens.tfile", 0xFFBFFAE0)        = 0
nanosleep(0xFFBFF8F8, 0x00000000)               = 0
open64("no_such", O_WRONLY)                     Err#2 ENOENT
open64("no_such", O_RDONLY)                     Err#2 ENOENT
futimesat(-3041965, "no_such", 0x00000000)      Err#2 ENOENT
open64("no_such/", O_WRONLY)                    Err#2 ENOENT
open64("no_such/", O_RDONLY)                    Err#2 ENOENT
futimesat(-3041965, "no_such/", 0x00000000)     Err#2 ENOENT
open64("", O_WRONLY)                            Err#2 ENOENT
open64("", O_RDONLY)                            Err#2 ENOENT
futimesat(-3041965, "", 0x00000000)             Err#2 ENOENT
open64("test-utimens.tfile", O_WRONLY)          = 3
close(3)                                        = 0
open64("test-utimens.tfile", O_WRONLY)          = 3
close(3)                                        = 0
open64("test-utimens.tfile/", O_WRONLY)         Err#20 ENOTDIR
open64("test-utimens.tfile/", O_RDONLY)         Err#20 ENOTDIR
futimesat(-3041965, "test-utimens.tfile/", 0xFFBFF830) Err#20 ENOTDIR
stat64("test-utimens.tfile", 0xFFBFFA48)        = 0
open64("test-utimens.tfile", O_WRONLY)          = 3
utimes("test-utimens.tfile", 0xFFBFF830)        = 0
close(3)                                        = 0
stat64("test-utimens.tfile", 0xFFBFFA48)        = 0
open64("test-utimens.tfile", O_WRONLY)          = 3
fstat64(3, 0xFFBFF830)                          = 0
utimes("test-utimens.tfile", 0xFFBFF830)        = 0
close(3)                                        = 0
stat64("test-utimens.tfile", 0xFFBFFA48)        = 0
symlink("test-utimens.tfile", "test-utimens.tlink") = 0
lstat64("test-utimens.tlink", 0xFFBFFAE0)       = 0
open64("test-utimens.tlink/", O_WRONLY)         Err#20 ENOTDIR
open64("test-utimens.tlink/", O_RDONLY)         Err#20 ENOTDIR
futimesat(-3041965, "test-utimens.tlink/", 0x00000000) Err#20 ENOTDIR
open64("test-utimens.tlink", O_WRONLY)          = 3
utimes("test-utimens.tlink", 0xFFBFF830)        = 0
close(3)                                        = 0
lstat64("test-utimens.tlink", 0xFFBFFA48)       = 0
stat64("test-utimens.tlink", 0xFFBFFA48)        = 0
unlink("test-utimens.tlink")                    = 0
unlink("test-utimens.tfile")                    = 0
creat64("test-utimens.tfile", 0600)             = 3
fstat64(3, 0xFFBFFAD8)                          = 0
nanosleep(0xFFBFF910, 0x00000000)               = 0
fcntl(3, F_DUP2FD, 0x00000003)                  = 3
fstat64(2, 0xFFBFEAA8)                          = 0
test-futimens.hwrite(2, " t e s t - f u t i m e n".., 15)       = 15
:48write(2, " : 4 8", 3)                                = 3
: assertion failed
write(2, " :   a s s e r t i o n  ".., 19)      = 19

which suggests this code in test-futimens.h
needs to handle ENOTDIR:

  if (result == -1 && errno == ENOSYS)
      ASSERT (close (fd) == 0);
      ASSERT (unlink (BASE "file") == 0);
      if (print)
        fputs ("skipping test: "
               "setting fd time not supported on this file system\n",
      return 77;
  ASSERT (!result);                   // line 48

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