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glob() does not set GLOB_MAGCHAR properly when globbing subdirs

From: Mike Frysinger
Subject: glob() does not set GLOB_MAGCHAR properly when globbing subdirs
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 23:44:26 -0500
User-agent: KMail/1.13.7 (Linux/3.7.1; KDE/4.6.5; x86_64; ; )

i've found (with a pointer from Michał Górny) that using glob("*/") does not 
set GLOB_MAGCHAR in gl_flags.  for example, this code:

#include <config.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <glob.h>

int main()
        glob_t g;
        int ret;
        size_t i;

        /* Create test tree */
        system("rm -rf foo");
        system("mkdir -p foo/{a,b,c,d}");
        assert(chdir("foo") == 0);

        ret = glob("*/", GLOB_NOMAGIC, 0, &g);
        printf("glob() = %i\n", ret);
        printf("gl_pathc = %zu\n", g.gl_pathc);
        for (i = 0; i < g.gl_pathc; ++i)
                printf("\t%zu: %s\n", i, g.gl_pathv[i]);
        printf("gl_flags = %#x (GLOB_MAGCHAR = %#x)\n", g.gl_flags, 

        return 0;

will show (gl_flags should be 0x130, not 0x30):
        glob() = 0
        gl_pathc = 4
                0: a/
                1: b/
                2: c/
                3: d/
        gl_flags = 0x30 (GLOB_MAGCHAR = 0x100)

tested using gnulib f022473fdaf724d84817c4003120b9a38fbf884b and doing:
        ./gnulib-tool --create-testdir --dir=$PWD/glob glob
        cd glob
        ./configure && make
        gcc test.c gllib/libgnu.a -Wall -I. -Igllib && ./a.out

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