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Re: Is there someway to get make to skip checking if autoconf/automake n

From: Bruno Haible
Subject: Re: Is there someway to get make to skip checking if autoconf/automake need running?
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2017 00:39:36 +0200
User-agent: KMail/5.1.3 (Linux/4.4.0-79-generic; KDE/5.18.0; x86_64; ; )

Hi John,

> I seem to have found an issue with how timestamps from an NFS served 
> volume are showing up on VMS.
> I see the correct timestamps on the Linux system, but the wrong 
> timestamps on the VMS system which is causing make to try to run 
> autoconf or automake, which I do not yet have available.
> So far the only way I know to get around this is to come up with a 
> script to touch certain files in the right order.
> The other issue is that on VMS, that check adds a considerable amount of 
> time to the run of make, even when it is successful, to it would be very 
> useful if there was just some way to turn it off.

The other known ways of getting rid of this check is
  a) to disable the Makefile rule that rebuilds Makefile, or
  b) to enable AM_MAINTAINER_MODE in configure.ac [1].


[1] https://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/html_node/Rebuilding.html

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