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Re: [Bug-gnupod] Synchronizing a directory to an ipod

From: Edouard Lafargue
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnupod] Synchronizing a directory to an ipod
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 11:37:22 +0100

On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Richard van den Berg
<address@hidden> wrote:
> Post it here for now. If it is kwel enough, Henrik might add it to the git
> repository.

  ok, here you are: this is very very much a work in progress, and not
cleaned up at all: should only be used for testing the concept, there
are still many things to do (if anyone wants to contribute...). I
would very much appreciate feedback if you do test!

   One thing: it does have a slight issue with tracks with no title,
but as far as I can tell the only consequence is that at every sync,
the tracks will get deleted and then re-written. There is also an
issue with IDs which can be fixed with gnupod_check.pl : as I said,
work in progress!

#  ipod_sync
# (c) Edouard Lafargue <address@hidden>
# 13/03/2010
# Bits of this come from the Squeezebox Server software, thanks
# to Logitech for making it (mostly) Open Source. A future version of
this routine
# could actually be written as a plugin for Squeezebox Server.
# How it works:
# - Load the ipod's GNUTunes Database
# - Initialize the 'to be deleted' list with all songs on iPod
# - Scan the local repository
# - For each song in the local repository:
#   - Get the tags
#   - Remap/clean the tags to our own internal tag names
#   - Find the song on iPod:
#       * If it exists: remove from 'to be deleted' list
#       * Otherwise: add to 'to be added' list
#   - Delete all songs remaining in the 'to be deleted' list
#   - Add all songs in the 'to be added' list
#   - Write GNUPodDB database
#  TODO:
#    - Debug!!!
#    - Cover Art support
#    - Use only Audio::Scan for all tag operations
#    - debug output switch
#    - Support for FLAC & transcode
#    - Use Perldoc format for script documentation
#   Operations (eventually):
#     - Synchronize
#     - Update Cover Art only
#     - Simulation mode (no actual add/delete)
#     - Only add / Only delete
#     - Debug

my $VERSION=0.1;

# Requires the GNUpod perl packages
use strict;
use GNUpod::XMLhelper;
use GNUpod::FooBar;
use GNUpod::FileMagic;
use GNUpod::ArtworkDB;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Copy;
use File::Glob ':glob';
use Date::Parse;
use Encode;

use vars qw(%opts @keeplist %rename_tags);
use constant MACTIME => GNUpod::FooBar::MACTIME;

$opts{mount} = $ENV{IPOD_MOUNTPOINT};

# This lib seems to be the best with current (2010) ID2 tag versions...
#  but GNUpod uses MP3::Info
use Audio::Scan;

# Taken straight from
#  and added MP4 tag names as well (no overlap apparently ?)
my %tagMapping = (
        'MUSICBRAINZ TRM ID'                => 'MUSICBRAINZ_TRM_ID',

        # J.River Media Center uses messed up tags. See Bug 2250

        # bug 10724 - foobar2000 users like to use "ALBUM ARTIST" (instead of
        'ALBUM ARTIST'                      => 'ALBUMARTIST',

        # MP4 Tags
        ALB => "ALBUM",
        ART => "ARTIST",
        NAM => "TITLE",
        TRKN => "TRACKNUM",
        # ID3v2 frame ID mapping to our keywords
        # Notes:
        # Audio::Scan via libid3tag already converts everything to ID3v2.4 IDs
        # so that's all we have to worry about here.
        # Non-standard v2.3 tags are prefixed with 'Y'
        COMM => "COMMENT",
        TALB => "ALBUM",
        TBPM => "BPM",
        TCOM => "COMPOSER",
        TCMP => "COMPILATION",
        YTCP => "COMPILATION", # non-standard v2.3 frame
        TCON => "GENRE",
        TYER => "YEAR",
        TDRC => "YEAR",
        TDOR => "YEAR",
        XDOR => "YEAR",
        TIT2 => "TITLE",
        TPE1 => "ARTIST",
        TPE2 => "BAND",
        TPE3 => "CONDUCTOR",
        TPOS => "SET",
        TRCK => "TRACKNUM",
        TSOA => "ALBUMSORT",
        YTSA => 'ALBUMSORT',
        TSOP => "ARTISTSORT",
        YTSP => "ARTISTSORT",      # non-standard iTunes tag
        TSOT => "TITLESORT",
        YTST => "TITLESORT",       # non-standard iTunes tag
        'TST ' => "TITLESORT",     # broken iTunes tag
        YTS2 => "ALBUMARTISTSORT", # non-standard iTunes tag
        YTSC => "COMPOSERSORT",    # non-standard iTunes tag
        YRVA => "RVAD",
        USLT => "LYRICS",
        XSOP => "ARTISTSORT",

GetOptions (\%opts, "h|help", "s|sync", "mount|m=s", "d|debug",
"f|front=s", 'b|back=s',
            'c|covers|addcovers',"disable-v2", "disable-v1", "decode",
                   "disable-ape-tag", "replaygain-album");

# TODO: not used at the moment
my $Cover_Front = $opts{f} || "Folder.jpg";
my $Cover_Back  = $opts{b} || "Folder_back.jpg";

        # Check volume adjustment options for sanity
        my $min_vol_adj = int($opts{'min-vol-adj'});
        my $max_vol_adj = int($opts{'max-vol-adj'});

die &usage if (! scalar @ARGV or $opts{h});
die &usage unless ($opts{s} );

# Native GNUpod version:
GNUpod::FooBar::GetConfig(\%opts, {'replaygain-album'=>'b', 'decode'=>'s',
'disable-v2'=>'b', 'disable-ape-tag'=>'b', 'view'=>'s', mount=>'s',
'match-once'=>'b', 'automktunes'=>'b', model=>'s'}, "gnupod_search");
$opts{view} ||= 'ialt'; #Default view

usage()   if $opts{help};
version() if $opts{version};

my $connection = GNUpod::FooBar::connect(\%opts);
usage($connection->{status}."\n") if $connection->{status};
# TODO: not used so far
my $AWDB  = GNUpod::ArtworkDB->new(Connection=>$connection, DropUnseen=>1);

print "Connected\n";

# This array contains all the songs in the ipod, indexed by ID
my @allSongs;
my $idx;

print "Scanning the GNUpod database\n";
# Now parse the GNUTunes XML file. The "newfile" subfunction is called
for each song
GNUpod::XMLhelper::doxml($connection->{xml}) or usage("Failed to parse
$connection->{xml}, did you run gnupod_INIT.pl?\n");
print "...done\n";

print "Found " . scalar @allSongs . " on iPod\n";

#invert the array so that we can easily remove the elements:
my %songList;
foreach my $el (@allSongs) {
        $songList{$el->{id}} = 1 if defined $el;

my @newSongs; # List of all songs to add to the iPod

# Then once we scan, we will:
#  - Find all the tracks which exist on the ipod, and remove the correspondig
#     id from the @songs array.
#   - Once this is done, we will delete all the remaining songs on the
iPod, since
#     they do not exist on the jukebox
#   - Last, we will copy all the songs which were not found on the iPod from the
#     jukebox to the iPod.
#   -> This way we won't need a local DB on the jukebox, and not double-scanning

foreach my $f (@ARGV) {
    if (-d $f) {

print "Remaining songs which we should delete: " ;
my $idx = 0;
print "----- DELETING NOW ------\n";
while ( my($id,$exists) = each %songList) {
        # Should delete the song here...
        my $path = $allSongs[$id]->{path};
        print "$id: $path\n";
        # -> Remove file as requested. If all went well, it is not in the
        # XML database which we'll write later on anyway
        unlink(GNUpod::XMLhelper::realpath($opts{mount},$path)) or warn "[!!]
Remove failed: $!\n";

print $idx . "\n";

print "----- Now adding those songs ----\n";
my $addcount = 0;
foreach my $song (@newSongs) {
        # The method below is totally outdated, it's still better
        # to add through gnupod_addsong.pl...

# Now write the iPod database:


# Eventhandler for FILE items
# Build idx array for quick searching
sub newfile {
        my($file)= @_;
    # Add to file index
    @allSongs[$file->{file}->{id}] = $file->{file};
    # Make indexes, convert to utf8
    for (keys %{$file->{file}}) {
        # Don't index the id or uniq (redundant!)
        #print $_ . "\n";
        next if $_ eq 'id' or $_ eq 'uniq';
        push @{$idx->{$_}->{$file->{file}->{$_}}}, $file->{file}->{id};
        warnings::warnif $@ if not defined $file->{file}->{$_};


# Eventhandler for PLAYLIST items
#    Not used for now
sub newpl {

# Main function
sub go {
    my $f = shift;
    my $root = shift;

    # Only work on files that end in .mp3
    return if $f eq '.';
    return if $f eq '..';
    return unless -r $f and $f =~ /\.(mp3|m4a)$/i;

    my $s = Audio::Scan->scan( $f );
        my $info = $s->{info};
        my $tags = $s->{tags};
        if ($opts{d}) {
        while (my($tag,$val) = each %$tags) {
                print "Tag: $tag  => " . encode('utf8',$val) . "\n" unless 
($tag eq
"APIC" | $tag eq "COVR");

        if ($opts{d}) { print "****** Remapping ******\n";}
        if ($opts{d}) {
        while (my($tag,$val) = each %$tags) {
                print "Tag: $tag  => " . encode('utf8',$val) . "\n" unless
($tag eq "APIC" | $tag eq "COVR");

#        s : synchronize the ipod
# TODO: also use the bitrate as search info, since a track might be
identical but
#       updated with a diferent bitrate on the main repository
    if ($opts{s}) {
        my $goodTrack;
        my @ids;
        # Why why why do I have to explicitely encode to UTF8 ??? The tags seem 
        # always be converted to Latin1 ????
        my $artist = encode('utf8',$tags->{ARTIST});
        my $album = encode('utf8',$tags->{ALBUM});
        my $title = encode('utf8',$tags->{TITLE});
        my $track = $tags->{TRACKNUM};
        print "------\nArtist: $artist\nAlbum: $album\nTrack: $track\nTitle: 
        if (nb($track) ) {
               # Track can be weirdly formatted on mp3 tags, so we are
transforming it into an integer
               $track =~ s/\/[0-9]*//;
               $goodTrack = int($track);
        } else {        
                $goodTrack = 0;
        # Now, sometimes the Album is not known, in which case we should not
include it into the seach terms
        if (nb($album)) {
                @ids = ip_search(artist => $artist, album => $album, title =>
$title, songnum => $goodTrack, exact =>1);
        } else {
        @ids = ip_search(artist => $artist, title => $title, songnum
=> $goodTrack, exact =>1);
        if (scalar @ids) {
                foreach my $id (@ids) {
                        print "----> Found on iPod: ID $id <-----";
                        # Remove from deletion db
                        delete $songList{$id};
                        # Add to the XML to be written at the end:
                        my $el;
                        $el->{file} = @allSongs[$id];
        } else {
                print " ***** Not on iPod ! *****";
                push(@newSongs, $f);
        print "\n";

sub recurse_dir {
    my $root = shift;

    print "Entering $root\n";

    # bsd_glob handles spaces in file names/paths
    my @files = bsd_glob("$root/*",GLOB_QUOTE);
    foreach my $f (@files) {
        if (-d $f) {

### Search for a song in the @allSongs array
# Get a list of ids by search terms
sub ip_search {
    my (%terms) = @_;

    # Pick opts out from terms
    my %opts;
    for ('nocase', 'nometachar', 'exact') {
        $opts{$_} = delete $terms{$_};

    # Main searches
    my %count;
    my $term = 0;
    while (my ($key, $val) = each %terms) {
        for my $idxval (keys %{$idx->{$key}}) {
            if (matches($idxval, $val, %opts)) {
                $count{$_}++ for @{$idx->{$key}->{$idxval}};

    # Get the list of everyone that matched
    # Sort by Artist > Album > Cdnum > Songnum > Title
        sort {
            $allSongs[$a]->{uniq} cmp $allSongs[$b]->{uniq}
        } grep {
            $count{$_} == $term
        } keys %count;

# Find if two things match, w/ opts
sub matches {
    my ($left, $right, %opts) = @_;
    no warnings 'uninitialized';
    if ($opts{nocase}) {
        $left = lc $left;
        $right = lc $right;
    if ($opts{nometachar}) {
        $right = quotemeta $right;

    if ($opts{exact}) {
        return $left eq $right;
    else {
        return $left =~ /$right/;

# not blank or undef
sub nb {
    my $string = shift;
    return 0 unless defined $string;
    return 0 if $string =~ /^\s*$/;
    return 1;

###  Unused !!!
sub add_image {
    my ($id3v2,$f,$img,$type,$desc) = @_;

    print "    --> add_image($type) $img -> $f\n";

    open(PICFILE, "<$img") or die "Can't open image $img. $!\n";

    my $imgdata;
    my $filesize = -s PICFILE;
    read(PICFILE, $imgdata, $filesize);

    my $imgbv = Audio::TagLib::ByteVector->new();
    my $bv = Audio::TagLib::ByteVector->new("APIC");
    my $field = Audio::TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame->new($bv, "UTF8");

# Add a new song to the database
sub add_song {
        my ($file) = @_;
        #Get the filetype
        my ($fh,$media_h,$converter) =  GNUpod::FileMagic::wtf_is($file,
        unless($fh) {
                warn "* [****] Skipping '$file', unknown file type\n";
        my $wtf_ftyp = $media_h->{ftyp};      #'codec' .. maybe ALAC
        my $wtf_frmt = $media_h->{format};    #container ..maybe M4A
        my $wtf_ext  = $media_h->{extension}; #Possible extensions (regexp!)
                #Set the addtime to unixtime(now)+MACTIME (the iPod uses 
                #This breaks perl < 5.8 if we don't use int(time()) !
                #Use fixed addtime for autotests
                $fh->{addtime} = int($connection->{autotest} ? 42 : 
                #Ugly workaround to avoid a warning while running mktunes.pl:
                #All (?) int-values returned by wtf_is won't go above 0xffffffff
                #Thats fine because almost everything inside an mhit can handle 
                #But bpm and srate are limited to 0xffff
                # -> We fix this silently to avoid ugly warnings while running 
                $fh->{bpm}   = 0xFFFF if $fh->{bpm}   > 0xFFFF;
                $fh->{srate} = 0xFFFF if $fh->{srate} > 0xFFFF;

                # Clamp volume, if any
                my $vol = $fh->{volume} || 0;
                $vol = $min_vol_adj if ($vol < $min_vol_adj);
                $vol = $max_vol_adj if ($vol > $max_vol_adj);
                $fh->{volume} = $vol;
                #Get a path
                ($fh->{path}, my $target) = 
$file,  {format=>$wtf_frmt, extension=>$wtf_ext,
                if(!defined($target)) {
                        warn "*** FATAL *** Skipping '$file' , no target 
                elsif( File::Copy::copy($file, $target)) {
                        # Note to myself: Using utf8() works around some obscure
                        # glibc/perl/linux problem
                        printf("+ [%-4s][%3d] %-32s | %-32s | %-24s\n",
                        my $id = 
GNUpod::XMLhelper::mkfile({file=>$fh},{addid=>1}); #Try to add an id
                else { #We failed..
                        warn "*** FATAL *** Could not copy '$file' to 
'$target': $!\n";
                        unlink($target); #Wipe broken file

# Taken straight from the Squeezebox Server source
sub doTagMapping {
        my ( $tags, $no_overwrite ) = @_;
        $tagMapping{TPE2} = 'BAND';
        while ( my ($old, $new) = each %tagMapping ) {
                if ( exists $tags->{$old} ) {
                        # Caller can set $no_overwrite if ID3 tags should not 
                        # existing tags, i.e. FLAC tags
                        next if $no_overwrite && exists $tags->{$new};
                        $tags->{$new} = delete $tags->{$old};
        # Special handling for UFID, pull out ID from array
        if ( exists $tags->{MUSICBRAINZ_ID} && ref $tags->{MUSICBRAINZ_ID} eq
'ARRAY' ) {
                # Sometimes UFID might be swapped, check every element
                for my $id ( @{ delete $tags->{MUSICBRAINZ_ID} } ) {
                        if ( length($id) == 36 ) {
                                $tags->{MUSICBRAINZ_ID} = $id;

        # We only want a 4-digit year
        if ( defined $tags->{YEAR} ) {
                my $year = $tags->{YEAR};

                # In the case where multiple YEAR elements are
                # present (eg multi-value ID3v2.4) we only use
                # the first.
                $year = $year->[0] if ref $year eq 'ARRAY';
                if ( $year =~ /(\d\d\d\d)/ ) {
                        $year = $1;
                $tags->{YEAR} = $year;
        # Clean up comments
        if ( $tags->{COMMENT} && ref $tags->{COMMENT} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
                my $fixed = [];
                if ( ref $tags->{COMMENT}->[0] eq 'ARRAY' ) {
                        for my $comment ( @{ $tags->{COMMENT} } ) {
                                if ( $comment->[2] ) {
                                        # Comment has a description
                                        push @{$fixed}, $comment->[2] . ': ' . 
                                else {
                                        push @{$fixed}, $comment->[3];
                else {
                        if ( $tags->{COMMENT}->[2] ) {
                                push @{$fixed}, $tags->{COMMENT}->[2] . ': ' . 
                        else {
                                push @{$fixed}, $tags->{COMMENT}->[3];
                $tags->{COMMENT} = $fixed;
        # Clean up lyrics
        if ( $tags->{LYRICS} && ref $tags->{LYRICS} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
                $tags->{LYRICS} = $tags->{LYRICS}->[3];
        # Flag if we have embedded cover art
        $tags->{HAS_COVER} = 1 if $tags->{APIC};

sub usage {
    return << "end_usage";
USAGE: $0 <dir> <cmd> [options]

sync_ipod.pl Version $VERSION

This script is used to synchronize the contents of an iPod with
a local repository.

It does not have any requirement on the local repository (in particular
no local database to maintain).

NOTE: this is a work in progress! Don't use if you don't know what you
are doing.

    -s | --sync      - synchronize the ipod with the local repository

    -d | --debug     - Additional debug output
        -m | --mount     - iPod mountpoint

Edouard Lafargue <address@hidden> 2010.03.13


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