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mingw: wrong behaviour in path manipulating methods

From: Michael Scheibler
Subject: mingw: wrong behaviour in path manipulating methods
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 14:18:53 +0100

NSString's path manipulation methods always assume that two path separators
together have to be stripped to one, but on Windows it is correct to use
\\server\path\file.ext  (or //server/path/file.ext on MinGW)
I found three methods where it is wrongly stripped and altered them:

1. stringByStandardizingPath

if (r.location + r.length + 1 <= length
   && pathSepMember((*caiImp)(s, caiSel, r.location + 1)) == YES)
> #if defined(__MINGW__)
>    if (r.location)
>      {
>        [s deleteCharactersInRange: r];
>      }
>    else
>      {
>        r.location++;
>      }
> #else
   [s deleteCharactersInRange: r];
> #endif /* (__MINGW__) */

2. isAbsolutePath

#if defined(__MINGW__)
  if ([self indexOfString: @":"] == NSNotFound)
      const char *cpath = [self fileSystemRepresentation];
      if (isalpha(cpath[0]) && cpath[1] == ':')
        return YES;
<       return NO
>       return (cpath[0] == cpath[1] && (cpath[0] == '/' || cpath[0] ==
    return YES;

3. stringByAppendingPathComponent

  if (length > 0)
> #if defined(__MINGW__)
> #define _PATH_SEARCH_END 1
> #else
> #define _PATH_SEARCH_END 0
> #endif
      aLength = length - 1;
<       while (aLength > 0)
>       while (aLength > _PATH_SEARCH_END)
   if (pathSepMember(buf[aLength]) == YES)
       if (pathSepMember(buf[aLength-1]) == YES)
    unsigned pos;


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