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NSParagraphStyle bug (and a patch)

From: Ludovic Marcotte
Subject: NSParagraphStyle bug (and a patch)
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 17:51:48 -0500 (EST)


In NSParagraphStyle: - encodeWithCoder: we have:

          locations[count] = [tab location]; 
          types[count] = [tab tabStopType]; 

but we should have:

          locations[i] = [tab location]; 
          types[i] = [tab tabStopType]; 

Here's is the ChangeLog

2002-01-15      Ludovic Marcotte  <ludovic@Sophos.ca>
        * Source/NSParagraphStyle.m ([NSParagraphStyle -encodeWithCoder:])
          fixed the index used for our locations and type arrays from
          count to it.

This fixes the encoding of NSAttributedString <AppKit> objects.

Thanks a lot,


Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.
 - Gandhi

Attachment: NSParagraphStyle.m.patch
Description: Text document

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