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Re: valueForKey: on an NSArray

From: Richard Frith-Macdonald
Subject: Re: valueForKey: on an NSArray
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 09:37:33 +0100

On Friday, April 5, 2002, at 08:59 AM, Jonathan B. Leffert wrote:

Given an NSArray *a, the following explodes

[a valueForKey: @"foo"];

I'm not sure what you mean by 'explodes', but the correct behavior here is for
an exception to be raised.

In GNUstep this is an NSGenericException. I have also tried it under MacOS-X,
where the (undocumented) NSUnknownKeyException is raised.

The code for this was updated relatively recently, so if you are getting a crash or something odd instead of the correct exception, please make sure you have
an up to date copy of GNUstep installed.

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