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patch to gnustep-base (Unicode and others)

From: Serg Stoyan
Subject: patch to gnustep-base (Unicode and others)
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 18:24:03 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.16i

Hi, everybody!

Here is a patch to the gnustep-base, whith additions such as:

- fixes NSString's initWithCString* methods behaviour by commenting out
  GSString's. Without it initWithCString* methods doesn't convert C string
  into Unicode and this is not OpenStep compliant;

- adds 2 languages into Resources/Languages: Russian and Ukrainian;

- enables NSDictionary's initWithContentsOfFile read the language files
  which contains non-latin characters (e.g. Russian and Ukrainian) by using
  default C string encoding;

- NSLog uses default C string encoding for dataUsingEncoding: now.

Serg Stoyan

Attachment: base-patch.gz
Description: application/gunzip

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