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[bug #15261] in NSTableView selecting a contiguous region with no select

From: matt rice
Subject: [bug #15261] in NSTableView selecting a contiguous region with no selected row throws an exception
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 14:27:36 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/20050826 Firefox/1.0.6


                 Summary: in NSTableView selecting a contiguous region with
no selected row throws an exception
                 Project: GNUstep
            Submitted by: ratmice
            Submitted on: Wed 12/21/05 at 14:27
                Category: Gui/AppKit
                Severity: 2 - Minor
              Item Group: Bug
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open



NSInternalInconsistencyException: RowIndex < 0 in [NSTableView -rectOfRow:]

321 :   else if ((selectionMode & ALLOWS_MULTIPLE)
322 :             && (selectionMode & SHIFT_DOWN)
323 :             && (selectionMode & ADDING_ROW))
324 :           // we add new row to the current selection
325 :          {
326 :            if (_oldRow == -1)
327 :              // this is the first pass
328 :              {
329 :                BOOL notified = NO;
330 :                int i;
331 :                int diff = _currentRow - _originalRow;
332 :   
333 :                   if (diff >= 0)
334 :                   {
335 :                   for (i = _originalRow; i <= _currentRow; i++)
336 :                   {
337 :                     if ([_selectedRows containsIndex: i] ||
338 :                         [tv _selectRow: i])

the last line where [tv _selectRow:i]; when _originalRow == -1

though i'm not exactly sure what the expected behaviour would be but
selecting the clicked on row seems ok

see also Bug #15260 for which key to press to reproduce this


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