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Re: compilation with objective-c++, bug fix for NSGeometry.h

From: John Clayton
Subject: Re: compilation with objective-c++, bug fix for NSGeometry.h
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 17:49:34 +0200

ah, so this is fixed in the very latest release?

On Aug 9, 2006, at 5:34 PM, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

On 4 Aug 2006, at 13:35, John Clayton wrote:

Hi All

Forward decls break when compiling with objective-c++, platform is Linux Uubuntu LTS 6.06 (dapper drake)

I am using Uubuntu packages for the GNUstep release, namely the package are:
        installed version: 1.1.2-1

I don't know why Ubuntu has base 1.11, as 1.12 has been out since march, and a sensible policy would be either to use that latest release or (if they have time to check it) a more recent snapshot.

I diff'ed the NSGeometry.h@23200 file against the latest version in SVN to produce the attached diffs. The latest version in SVN is: 22472 (as at this moment).

Thanks, but the latest trunk version in SVN is 23233 and the latest release is 22659

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