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[bug #29301] Trouble linking to the gnustep-objective c library (on ming

From: Lowell Vizon
Subject: [bug #29301] Trouble linking to the gnustep-objective c library (on mingw)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 14:21:56 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.22.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Safari/531.22.7

Follow-up Comment #2, bug #29301 (project gnustep):

The first line of +make.out+ shows us exactly what's being passed to +gcc+:
it's using data returned from +gnustep-config+ to use for options. If you
execute each of those three in a shell, alone - outside of make, do the paths
displayed for the +-I+ and +-L+ options point to the right places?

Running just +gcc -Wall+ main.m on my Linode produces the same output as your
+Makefile+; it's possible that +gnustep-config+ isn't returning anything
because there isn't anything set for any of the supplied flags - not even a
message indicating such. Any informational or error messages returned by
+gnustep-config+ would be processed by +gcc+ as options, leading to additional
error messages - which we don't see in make.out.

Try to run +gcc+ on your +main.m+ directly using the same options it would
expect to receive from +gnustep-config+ (I attached mine for you - adjust
things like paths as needed) - it could hopefully fix the errors.

Now, about that warning -  +control reaches end of non-void function+. When
you write ++methodName+ or +-methodName+, the compiler expects you to return
an object. This is because ++methodName+ is shorthand for ++ (id) methodName+.
This warning can be silenced by either returning self or specifying +void+ in
the signature.

Lastly, did you mean to define +Test+ as a root class? It doesn't define a
superclass. Given the minimal context of your example, it's probably
intentional on your part, but I'll mention it just in case it isn't.

Hopefully, something in this wall of text of mine helps you out in some way.

-- thoughts from a curious bystander

(file #20373)

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File name: gnustep-config.text            Size:0 KB


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