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[Bug-gnuts] Revel in This costs much less than a luxury car - but makes

From: Geraldine
Subject: [Bug-gnuts] Revel in This costs much less than a luxury car - but makes you a lot more confident and attractive.
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 00:45:57 +0200

Fresh stuff

 Had doubts that these things really work? Check this out and join the 
thousands of happy men! Bigger, stronger and eventually better - this is what 
you will have in just a couple of months.
 Give her a chance to climax from penetration - increase your tool once and for 
all! You'll be thanking this product, but your girl will be thanking it even 
more - just try! Check up here: http://stadiho.com/gal/ms/ 
Concerned with your size and hardness? Study this, here's the answer!

 Everyone stretches his legs according to the length of his coverlet A stitch 
in time saves nine. Better to remain silent and appear a fool, than to open 
your mouth and remove all doubt  Abstinence makes the heart go wander.

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