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[Bug-gnuts] scarce

From: Deborah Fisher
Subject: [Bug-gnuts] scarce
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 18:35:10 -0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

Chris, via the Internet.
But is Jeffries nothing more than a snake-oil salesman who will do anything to sell his audio tapes and seminars? You got some interest and then turned right around and put yourself through the dating frame, and she naturally viewed you as another sucker instead of someone different as you FIRST came off to be. Make HER model for you.
She was running her hands across a shoe like it was penile tissue.
All her friends say that sex is a thousand percent better on it. You are my biggest fan! Notice the difference: You use HER words to feed back to her, but YOU control the actions and YOU give the suggestions, not her.
You need to break in some very different muscles. She plucked a sleeveless running top and shorts off the shelf. Has she suffered abuse in the past? But, she asked me to do it again, harder.
Then she started complaining about her current boyfriend.
A man who knows that the power of love is everything. But, she asked me to do it again, harder. I sidled up next to her, picked up a juicy bunch of grapes and plopped them onto the scale. Has she ever undergone a complete gynecological examination? The sales clerk had a grin on his face. Ross believes in a technique called NLP.
The sales clerk had a grin on his face. Does she feel she needs to be hit for a reason? I could see her responding.
Has she suffered abuse in the past? YOU are doing what SHE suggests. She plucked a sleeveless running top and shorts off the shelf. She was that big of a cunt? I watched her handle the cantaloupes as I searched for an opening line. You then link that arousal to yourself. My cell-phone rang, and, sure enough, it was Jessi.
I wonder where you got that I advocate THAT. The concept has obvious appeal.
Do some research, buy some different brands, and practice with them until you find one you both like. One thing to keep in mind, though, is that you need to find something you both enjoy. You then link that arousal to yourself. And he says he can teach you how to bag babes, too. Sit her down, explain your concerns, and see if she opens up to you.

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