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GNU IceCat and use with the alternate profile option

From: rmyster
Subject: GNU IceCat and use with the alternate profile option
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 10:30:35 -0700

In the earlier GNU iceweasel- version(before name change to icecat), the tarball included  iceweasel, iceweasel-bin, and run-iceweasel.sh files.  In the icecat- tarball, there is only icecat-bin and run-icecat.sh files (missing "icecat" script file) .

Running run-icecat.sh script directly will run icecat but does not allow a way to run icecat with an alternate profile.
Copying the "iceweasel" script from the release and changing all instances of "iceweasel" to "icecat" allows running alternate profiles. e.g.

icecat -no-remote -P alternate_profile_name

Is the omission of the icecat script (counterpart to earlier iceweasel- "iceweasel" file script) deliberate and if so, is there a way to run alternate profiles using just what comes in the tarball( "icecat-bin" & "run-icecat.sh")?

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