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pointer corruption bug w/ template classes

From: Ian Williams
Subject: pointer corruption bug w/ template classes
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 19:59:29 -0700


There appears to be a bug with the g++ compiler when using template classes
and the attached program shows the issue.

The version of the g++ compiler used is egcs-c++-1.1.2-30 (from RedHat 6.2)
and the hardware was an SGI 230 system w/ Pentium III 733 MHz with Via
Apollo Pro chip set and PC133 SDRAM.

The template class is used to define a buffer and a further subClass deals
with a buffer of arrays (such as points). It seems that when an array class
is instantiated and an element is added (via the BufferV:add method) the
address of the array address gets corrupted through the call. To show this
the program prints out the data before, during and after the BufferV:add
call and the results after entering BufferV:add yield garbage.

As documented in the program, the weird thing is that for the cases where
BufferV is instantiated with F=int[3] or F=float[3], adding 3 to the array
index in BufferV:add delivers the correct elements. I couldn't find any
similar thing when BufferV is intantiated with F=double[3] though.

Thanks in advance for any information/suggestions.

Ian M. Williams.


/*      Compile:        g++ -o test test.c++    */

#include <string.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE    1

#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE   0

template <class T, class F> // T="To" the storage format for the buffer
                                // F="From", the storage format from which
                                //           data comes

class Buffer

        Buffer(int length=100, char* label=NULL);
        virtual ~Buffer();

        virtual bool    add(F item) = 0;
        T*                      buf() const;
        int                     bufLength() const;
        bool                    canAddTo();
        void                    reset();


        T*              mBuffer;
        int             mInBuffer;


        Buffer(const Buffer<T,F>& b);

        int     mBufferLength;
        bool    mOverflowReported;
        char*   mBufferName;

template <class T, class F>
Buffer<T,F>::Buffer(int length, char* label) :
                mBufferLength(length), mOverflowReported(FALSE),
                mBuffer(NULL), mInBuffer(0), mBufferName(NULL)
        mBuffer = new T[length];
        if (label != NULL)
                mBufferName = new char[strlen(label)+1];

template <class T, class F>
Buffer<T,F>::Buffer(const Buffer<T,F>& b) :
                mBufferLength(0), mOverflowReported(FALSE),
                mBuffer(NULL), mInBuffer(0), mBufferName(NULL)

template <class T, class F>
        if (mBuffer != NULL)
                delete [] mBuffer;
                mBuffer = NULL;
                mBufferLength = 0;
        if (mBufferName != NULL)
                delete [] mBufferName;
                mBufferName = NULL;

template <class T, class F>
Buffer<T,F>::buf() const
        return mBuffer;

template <class T, class F>
Buffer<T,F>::bufLength() const
        return mInBuffer;

template <class T, class F>
        if ( mInBuffer == mBufferLength )
                if (!mOverflowReported)
                        mOverflowReported = TRUE;
                        if (mBufferName != NULL)
                                cerr << mBufferName << ": ";
                        cerr << "Buffer overflow\n";
                return FALSE;
        return TRUE;

template <class T, class F>
Buffer<T,F>:: reset()
        mOverflowReported = FALSE;
        mInBuffer = 0;

//////////////// Subclass for buffering arrays /////////////////////////////

template <class T, class F>
class BufferV : public Buffer<T,F>
        BufferV(int length=100, char* label=NULL);
        virtual ~BufferV();

        virtual bool    add(F item);

        BufferV(const BufferV<T,F>& b);

template <class T, class F>
BufferV<T,F>::BufferV(int length, char* label) : Buffer<T,F>(length,label)

template <class T, class F>
BufferV<T,F>::BufferV(const BufferV<T,F>& b) : Buffer<T,F>(b)

template <class T, class F>

template <class T, class F>
BufferV<T,F>::add(F item)

        cout    << "item = " << item[0] << ", " 
                << item[1] << ", " << item[2] <<  endl;
        For some reason the following line yields the correct output
        when instantiated with F = int[3] or F = float[3]               
        cout    << "item = " << item[0+3] << ", " 
                << item[1+3] << ", " << item[2+3] <<  endl;

        if (Buffer<T,F>::canAddTo())
                cout << "mBuffer[" << mInBuffer << "] = ";
                for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) {
        See above when instanciated with F = int[3] and float[3]        
                        mBuffer[mInBuffer][i] = item[i+3];
                        mBuffer[mInBuffer][i] = item[i];
                        cout << mBuffer[mInBuffer][i] << ", ";
                cout << endl;
                return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

//typedef int  Dxyz[3],  *DxyzP;
//typedef float  Dxyz[3],  *DxyzP;
typedef double  Dxyz[3],  *DxyzP;

static BufferV<Dxyz,Dxyz>       faceVertexBuf(10,"faceVertexBuf");

Dxyz    input_points[4]={       {1.0, -1.0, 1.0},{1.0, 1.0, -1.0},
                                {1.0, 1.0, 1.0},{1.0, -1.0, 1.0} };

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
        int i = 0, index;

        for (i=0;i<4; i++) {

                index = faceVertexBuf.bufLength();
                Dxyz    temp = {input_points[i][0], 

                cout << "Input = " << temp[0] << ", " 
                     << temp[1] << ", " <<  temp[2] << endl; ;

                DxyzP tempP = faceVertexBuf.buf()[index];

                cout << "Output = " << tempP[0] << ", " 
                     << tempP[1] << ", " <<  tempP[2] << endl; ;


        return 0;

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