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PLEASE HELP! Bug report when trying to use function objects.

Subject: PLEASE HELP! Bug report when trying to use function objects.
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 17:56:15 -0400

 This program is for testing object functions in C++.
 1. There is a global list of "student" objects.
 2. There is an array of applicant names.
 3. The main program tries to enroll all the students in the
    array of aplicants by using the "findStudent" function.
 4. The "findStudent" function uses the "find_if" generic algorithm
    to verify if the applicant name already exists in the
    students list.
 5. The "find_if" generic algorithm uses the function object
    "signedUp" as the passed unitary function. This function object
    stores the applicant name when an instance is created and then
    returns a boolean value depending on if such applicant name is
    equal or not to the one passed by the "find_if" function.
 As up today we get the following error message when trying to
 compile this program:
/opt/gnu/lib/g++-include/algo.h: In function `class list<student>::iterator find_if(class list<student>::iterator, class list<student>::iterator, class signedUp)':
/opt/gnu/lib/g++-include/algo.h:80: Internal compiler error.
/opt/gnu/lib/g++-include/algo.h:80: Please submit a full bug report to
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
// This is the declaration of the student class.
class student
 // Constructors.
 student() : nameText(NULL) { }
 student(string n) : nameText(n) { }
 // Operations.
 string name() { return(nameText); }
 void addCourse(string & course)
  { coursesList.push_back(course); }
 list<string>::iterator firstCourse()
  { return(coursesList.begin()); }
 list<string>::iterator lastCourse()
  { return(coursesList.end()); }
 void removeCourse(list<string>::iterator & citr)
  { coursesList.erase(citr); }
 string       nameText;
 list<string> coursesList;
// This is the declaration of the function object that will test
// the student object for a specific name.
class signedUp
 // Constructor.
 signedUp(const char * n) : candidate(n) { }
 // Student name variable (note that it is a public variable).
 string candidate;
 // Function call operator.
 bool operator () (student & s)
  { return(s.name() == candidate); }

// Support Functions Prototypes
ostream & operator << (ostream &, student &);
bool findStudent();
void displaySchool();

// Support Functions Definitions
ostream & operator << (ostream & o, student & s)
 o << s.name() << endl;
bool findStudent(const char * applicantName)
 signedUp suTest(applicantName);
 if (find_if(school.begin(), school.end(), suTest) == school.end())
  student candidate(applicantName);
void displaySchool()
 list<student>::iterator start = school.begin();
 list<student>::iterator stop  = school.end();
 for (; start != stop; ++start)
  cout << *start;
// This list contains the data of all the students.
list<student> school;
// Main Function.
int main()
 char * applicants[4] =
  "Fernando Bolanos",
  "Cesar Ochoa",
  "Ricardo Osuna",
  "Cesar Ochoa"
 // Signs students up.
 for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
  if (findStudent(applicants[i]))
   cout << applicants[i] << " is already a student." << endl;
   cout << applicants[i] << " has been signed up." << endl;
 // Displays students list.
 cout << endl << "This is the school list: " << endl;


                                    Department Laserjet Printing
Research & Development

                                                Fernando Bolaños Orozco
                                                Tel: (208) 396-4758
                                                Fax: (208) 938-4122



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