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Re: mis-formatting of leading spaces

From: Rich Morin
Subject: Re: mis-formatting of leading spaces
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 16:13:56 -0800

[ I never got a response to this, so I'm trying again.  Also, I'm
  unsure how I should proceed in order to get a reliable version
  of groff that includes the "leading space" fix.  -r

At 8:07 AM +0100 2/5/02, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
It is deeper.  Sometimes I wonder how such elementary bugs can go
unnoticed such a long time -- the problem must have been in groff
since ever.

I'm trying to get some of the BSD documents to format right now;
I'm not sure which problems are in the docs and which are in groff.
Might someone be interested in working with me to find out?  (I'm
NOT a troff wizard!).

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