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devpdf compilation problems: GS Path (with GS 9.02 on Mac[Ports]), font/

From: Bernhard Fisseni
Subject: devpdf compilation problems: GS Path (with GS 9.02 on Mac[Ports]), font/devpdf/Makefile.sub
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 12:18:09 +0200

Good morning!

I tried to compile CVS groff with devpdf and had the following problems; I hope 
I haven't missed any important instructions. (I probably did.)

- In fonts/devpdf/Makefile.sub, the files list is supposedly gathered from 
$(DESTDIR), which seemed surprising. As $(srcdir) was unset/empty, but 
'../devps' seemed to contain the desired files, I changed Makefile accordingly. 
 See attached patch.

- When installing, BuildFoundries looked for GS/URW fonts 
(/opt/local/share/ghostscript/9.02/Resource/Font/, no metrics files) and also 
for the metrics, which were not present in $GSpath (9.02 installed through 
Macports). I had to add "/opt/local/share/fonts/urw-fonts" to $GSpath, see 
attached patch.  This is a hack, but even when configured with '--without-gs', 
the installation process insisted on building the U-* fonts, which need the 
files from the above path. Maybe a search procedure should be included in 
(Without the GS search path taken from 'gs -h', some fonts are not found, 
either: URWGothicL-*, URWBookmanL-*, NimbusSanL-*, CenturySchL-*, 


Attachment: BuildFoundries-MacPorts.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: font-devpdf-Makefile.sub.patch
Description: Binary data

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