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Illogical precedence of .hw over .hy

From: Dave Kemper
Subject: Illogical precedence of .hw over .hy
Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 10:22:00 -0500


I am seeing this behavior in groff 1.22.2.  This may not technically be
a bug, but it is undocumented that it works this way, and, I believe,
not the ideal way to handle this case.

Consider this example:

$ groff -a << EOF
> .hw in-sa-lub-rious
> .hy 8
> insalubrious insalubrious insalubrious insalubrious insalubrious insalubrious 
> insalubrious insalubrious i i i i i i i i insalubrious
<beginning of page>
insalubrious insalubrious insalubrious insalubrious insalubrious
insalubrious insalubrious insalubrious i i i i i i i i in<hy>

The hyphenation provided in the .hw example says this is a valid
hyphenation point.  However, .hy mode 8 should tell groff not to hyphenate
after only two characters.

I believe it makes more sense to have the .hy mode take precedence over a
possible two-character hyphenation give in .hw, for the following reasons:

1) If you want to change hyphenation behavior, you should only have to
change the number given to .hy.  As it stands now, to change hyphenation
behavior across the board, one must change both the .hy value and all the
words passed to .hw that contain a syllable break after two characters.

2) If .hy mode 2 is active, it applies regardless of any .hw settings.
The precedence rules should be consistent across all interactions between
.hw and .hy.

If the behavior is left as is, it should be documented in the .hw command.

Thank you.

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