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Re: Problem: no errors, just reboots

From: Adrian Phillips
Subject: Re: Problem: no errors, just reboots
Date: 02 Oct 2001 07:17:30 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/20.7

>>>>> "Sven" == Sven Seibold <address@hidden> writes:

    Sven> I don't get a single error. If I boot with the disk and then
    Sven> use the command line everything looks fine. root (hd2,0)
    Sven> recognizes the partition as reiserfs and I can use cat to
    Sven> view fiels without problems. I can even still cat the kernel
    Sven> (2.2.19). Not a single error.  Issuing 'kernel
    Sven> (hd2,0)/vmlinuz-2.2.19 root=/dev/hdc1' causes simply a
    Sven> reboot. No error message, nothing. Using the boot menu on
    Sven> the disk (it worked after the W2k installation) I can very
    Sven> shortly see the 'root (hd2,0)' command and then I get a
    Sven> reboot as well (next command is kernel as above).  Turning
    Sven> debug and fstest on does not show any errors either.

Have you got a CD or rescue diskette you can boot with to check the
filesystem ? Or boot another kernel (from a diskette) but make it use
hdc1 as its root ?


Adrian Phillips

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