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[Bug-gsl] Re: [Help-gsl] Underflow in gsl_sf_bessel_Jn_array

From: Jonny Taylor
Subject: [Bug-gsl] Re: [Help-gsl] Underflow in gsl_sf_bessel_Jn_array
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 12:14:10 +0100

Please can somebody advise on using gsl_sf_bessel_Jn_array for small z?

I need to generate Bessel functions up to some n_max (of order 50) for arbitrary z. I run into problems for small z because the function uses a downward recurrence to populate the array, and suffers underflow for
large n.

Could you send a small example program showing the problem to
address@hidden for reference.  Thanks.

The following is sufficient to demonstrate the issue.
        double besselArray[51];
        double rho = 1e-6;
        gsl_sf_bessel_Jn_array(0, 50, rho, besselArray);

The problem is that the array is populated by downward recurrence, but J_51 and J_50 are way smaller than DBL_MIN, resulting in an error within the GSL library:
gsl: gamma.c:1454: ERROR: underflow
Default GSL error handler invoked.

Because of the downward recurrence, it is _not_ sufficient just to ignore the error in my own code: as written at the moment, _none_ of the array entries will be correctly populated if this error condition occurs.

My current, very rough-and-ready solution looks something like this:
                memset(besselArray, 0, sizeof(besselArray));
                if (fabs(rho) < 1e-30)
                        besselArray[0] = 1;
                else if (fabs(rho) < 1e-7)
                        gsl_sf_bessel_Jn_array(0, MIN(n_max, 3), rho, 
                        gsl_sf_bessel_Jn_array(0, MIN(n_max, 20), rho, 

... but it's rather heuristic and I'm sure there are more elegant solutions that would correctly populate all elements of the array that are >= DBL_MIN, rather than using an arbitrary cutoff.

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