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[bug-gsrc] GSRC maintainer

From: Brandon Invergo
Subject: [bug-gsrc] GSRC maintainer
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2012 17:17:56 +0200

Hello everyone,

I noticed that GSRC is in need of a maintainer and I would like to
volunteer for that job.

My interest stems from some ideas that were forming in my head about how
to do a source-based free GNU/Linux distribution. I thought I was clever
but the more I started researching some of my ideas, I found that, like
most good ideas, they had already been implemented years before in much
more clever ways. I ran into GSRC on the GNU "Take Action" page, read
the description and saw that it basically covers a lot of the ideas I
was having (though GARStow is even closer since it aims to be a full
package management system; I understand that GSRC is not intended to
work as such). Rather than reinventing the wheel, I think my efforts
would be better spent maintaining something that is already existing. 

Unfortunately, the reality is that I don't grok GNU Make yet. I
understand it in general, of course, and I can certainly read Makefiles;
I've been reading the GSRC code and I have a good understanding of
what's going on. Nevertheless, I'd have to start out small, updating the
existing packages, working to implement simpler packages that haven't
been done yet, and only after a while try to tackle more complicated
cases (hurd?) or implement new features. 

So, if that's not too great a handicap, I'll humbly submit my interest
and patiently await your response.

Brandon Invergo

ps - I still think that GSRC would make a great foundation for a
(separately maintained) source-based free GNU/Linux distribution! I'm
not abandoning that idea...but we'll see how this goes first.

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