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Re: Xfree86 and console server (and VT_ACTIVATE, etc)

From: Gaël Le Mignot
Subject: Re: Xfree86 and console server (and VT_ACTIVATE, etc)
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 11:41:10 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1003 (Gnus v5.10.3) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Hello Robert!

Fri, 18 Jul 2003 01:36:51 +0000, you wrote: 

 > We just spoke in IRC about a possible solution of the Xfree86 problem with
 > the console server. 

Just to remind you that  it's not the console _server_ which conflicts
with X, but the console _client_  using vga or a keyboard driver. Your
mail wasn't clear at all about that.

The console server itself just work nice with X, you can run a console
client inside an xterm using the ncursesw console client plugin.

I don't think  the correct solution would be for X  and the console to
directly speak to each other like X saying to the console client "stop
please", but rather a per-ressource  (VGA, keyboard, mouse) way to say
"I want exclusive access to this ressource". The console client itself
would just agree to give to the access to X, or something like that.

It  would be  nice too  if we  could "switch"  at run-time  from  X to
console and vice-versa like we can do on GNU/Linux.

Gael Le Mignot "Kilobug" - kilobug@nerim.net - http://kilobug.free.fr
GSM         : (in France)   ICQ UIN   : 7299959
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