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[Bug-indent] Requests/suggestions

From: Leathers, Burton
Subject: [Bug-indent] Requests/suggestions
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 13:57:11 -0500

I have recently tested the capabilities of indent and am very pleased with what it does. I would like to request a number of extensions which I think are consistent with the approach of indent and which I also think would be quite straightforward to implement.

An option to determine whether there is white space preceding and following an arithmetic or bit operator operator
An option to determine whether there is white space preceding and following a logical operator
An option to determine whether there is white space preceding and following an assignment operator

In each instance, it would handle compound operators such as >>, || and +=.

Inasmuch as I describe indent as a program which allows the specification of the handling of white space between the lexemes of a C program, the extensions I propose simply round out the control set.

I have another wish which goes beyond my own definition but which I would find useful (and which I think would help prevent errors from creeping into code). This would be an option which would make all target statements of control statements into compound statements, i.e. the targets of if, else, for, etc would always be followed by code enclosed in a pair of braces -- even when the target is just a single statement. This could well prevent future maintenance slip ups. However, since this actually changes more than the white space of the code, I could easily understand why you might choose to reject it.

Thanks in advance,


Burton Leathers
Software Architect
Cognos Incorporated

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