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[Bug-indent] "-di" related bug

From: David A. Pimentel
Subject: [Bug-indent] "-di" related bug
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 10:31:10 -0600

As a new user of indent, I am hoping that this bug has not already been posted 
(I did a search in
the mail archives). I am using GNU indent 2.2.9 in Cygwin.

 When I specify the "-di16 -TEOS_INTEGER" options, the result still looks like 

  EOS_INTEGER     tableNum, subTableNum, tblIndex, i, j, count, index1,
    index2, index3, index4;

Note that the continuation line is not aligned with the first line of the 
variable declaration
statement. This seems to be a flaw in the formatting of such code. It would be 
preferrable to see

  EOS_INTEGER     tableNum, subTableNum, tblIndex, i, j, count, index1,
                  index2, index3, index4;

If there is another option that will provide the desired formatting, I have yet 
to find it, and I'd
appreciate any help.

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