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C99 compound literals are not formatted correctly with indent's default

From: Koz Ross
Subject: C99 compound literals are not formatted correctly with indent's default arguments
Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 18:08:19 +1200

When I try to format the following (using indent with default arguments):

tree_node_s *t = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC (sizeof (tree_node_s));
*t = (tree_node_s){.val = n,.h = 0};

it ends up looking like this:

tree_node_s *t = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC (sizeof (tree_node_s));
*t = (tree_node_s)
  .val = n,.h = 0};

Now, this (aside from being really ugly) is not obviously a compound literal 
from its appearance. This appears to be a bug.

Koz Ross <address@hidden>
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