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Issue 291 in lilypond: \glissando doesn't work properly with chords

From: codesite-noreply
Subject: Issue 291 in lilypond: \glissando doesn't work properly with chords
Date: Sat, 01 Sep 2007 22:41:51 -0700

Issue 291: \glissando doesn't work properly with chords

Comment #6 by lemzwerg:
Thanks!  I wasn't aware of this.  Nice.  So something like the following
should be added to the glissando section in the documentation:

  I = \once \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t

  \relative <<
    { \oneVoice \stemDown f2 \glissando \stemNeutral a } \\
    { \oneVoice \I c2 \glissando \I d, }

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