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Re: Issue 1691 in lilypond: Ugly bars in PDF documents

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1691 in lilypond: Ugly bars in PDF documents
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 22:46:24 +0000

Comment #27 on issue 1691 by percival.music.ca: Ugly bars in PDF documents

Excellent!  You now pretty much know all I do about the situation:
- for most intents and purposes, lilypond-book has NOTHING to do with the documentation or the build system. - you have a minimal test case for which you can experiment, with both texi2html and texi2pdf (without involving the build system!) - you see that lilypond-book produces a .ly file, and you've noticed the difference between the values in that .ly file with various options. (there's probably a few more different options you can toss in there to see different \paper{} settings, but that's a minor detail compared to noticing those differences in the first place!)

IIRC the 3mm comes from an attempt to "reserve" space for bar numbers, which would otherwise stick out into the left-hand margin.

I re-iterate that a complete solution will need to involve the "dealing with instrument names (and bar numbers)" issue. At it currently stands, lilypond-book deals with a **staff line-width**, but material to the left of the staff line takes additional space. I think we need some programmer way of defining a **system width** (including left material like instrument name and bar numbers), and then change lilypond-book to set that value instead of line-width.

The bad news it that such an addition is completely outside of your and my area of expertise. The good news is that we have a couple of programmers now who work on such things, and maybe if you ask them politely to work on it, you'll get some interest. Also, if we end up having a Type-maintainability (which seems likely), that could help attract attention to such problems.

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