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Re: 3 or 4 pages?

From: Colin Hall
Subject: Re: 3 or 4 pages?
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2013 09:33:30 +0000
User-agent: mu4e; emacs 24.2.1

Eluze writes:

> Werner LEMBERG wrote
>>>> Why is this on four pages, it seems to fit on three.
>>> If you set ragged-last-bottom = ##f then it fits on 3 pages.  If you
>>> don't, then ragged-last-bottom = ##t.  I think with a 3 page layout,
>>> the last system is right at the bottom of the page, and therefore
>>> LilyPond considers it not ragged.
>> If this your answer is correct, it is a bug.
> I'd say so, too.
> but even more annoying are the cropped bar numbers when they have 2 digits -
> are the margins not set or respected?
> Eluze

I've created a tracker for this:



Colin Hall

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