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Re: #4975 [Windows] Grace notes cause staff to protrude into the margin

From: Simon Albrecht
Subject: Re: #4975 [Windows] Grace notes cause staff to protrude into the margin
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2016 13:57:14 +0100

I added the example to the tracker issue as comment.

Best, Simon

On 19.11.2016 02:51, Ralph Palmer wrote:
Greetings -

I'm running LY 2.19.40 under Windows 7 SP1.

I ran into a situation that appears to be related to #4975.

Here's an .ly file that's about as small as I can get it:

%%%% Begin Snippet %%%%%

\version "2.19.40"
\include "english.ly"

tune =
\relative c'' {
   \clef treble
   \key a \minor
   \time 6/8

   e8 a a a4

   \key a \major
   e8 |
   \acciaccatura b'8
   a8 gs a a, cs e |

\score {

%%%%%% End Snippet %%%%%

This produces the following error message in the Frescobaldi log :

%%% Begin Snippet %%%

Preprocessing graphical objects...

programming error: mis-predicted force, 108.120472 ~= 108.221141

continuing, cross fingers

programming error: mis-predicted force, 108.120472 ~= 108.221141

continuing, cross fingers

Finding the ideal number of pages...

%%% End Snippet %%%

Commenting out either the key change (to A major) *or* the acciaccatura
eliminates the programming error.

This is not a serious issue for me right now. I thought this particular
instance might help point someone in the right direction for the solution
to the more general problem.

Thank you all for your continuing support, help, and understanding,


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