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Re: an error in gmake

From: Henning Makholm
Subject: Re: an error in gmake
Date: 19 Nov 2001 14:40:25 +0100

Scripsit "Paul D. Smith" <address@hidden>
> %% Ardeshir Saghafi <address@hidden> writes:

>   as> Executing gmake -f pass0/Makefile -j 1 > pass0/logs/gmake.log.....
>   as> Error: gmake: the `-j' option requires a positive integral argument

> I can't reproduce this problem.

FWIW, on my box GNU make produces the above error message if I feed it
"-j 1" as a *single* command line argument, space and all. This is
consistent with the "Executing gmake..." line Ardeshir quotes.

If this is actually what happens, it is not a bug in make but
perfectly standard getopt behavior. If "j" is not the last character
in an argument string, the entire rest of the argument is supposed
to be the value - and " 1" is not a valid syntax for an integer.

What needs to be fixed is either the application that creates the
bogus make command line, or the configuration of that application.

Henning Makholm                        "*Jeg* tænker *strax* på kirkemødet i
                     Konstantinopel i 381 e.Chr. om det arianske kætteri..."

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