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Re: printing the screen

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: Re: printing the screen
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 16:59:48 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 10:39:47AM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> i'm trying to implement a print function for one of my ncurses programs.
> what i'd like is to simply print the entire screen.
> i made two attempts, both listed below.  they both print garbage.

just reading the code, it looks like it would work - the only thing
I see that might go wrong is if your A_CHARTEXT is setup for the
wide-char config (so that would be 0xffff, not good for a mask to fputc).
> void print_screen(char (*win3)[INPUT_SZ]) {
>    FILE *pipe;
>    int row, col, cur_x, cur_y, cur_state, err=0;
>    getsyx(cur_y, cur_x);
>    cur_state = curs_set(0);
>    fflush(stdout);
>    pipe = popen("lpr", "w");
>    if (pipe == NULL) {
>       err=1;
>    } else {
>       for (row=0; row < LINES; ++row) {
>          for (col=0; col < COLS; ++col) {
>             fputc(A_CHARTEXT & mvinch(row,col), pipe);
>          }
>          fputc('\n', pipe);
>       }
>       if(pclose(pipe)==-1) err=2;
>       setsyx(cur_y, cur_x);
>       curs_set(cur_state);
>       refresh();
>    }
>    switch(err) {
>       case 0:  pushWin3(win3, "Screen printed?");      break;
>       case 1:  pushWin3(win3, "popen() failed.");      break;
>       case 2:  pushWin3(win3, "pclose() failed.");     break;
>       default: pushWin3(win3, "I shouldn't be here!"); break;
>    }
> }

Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden>

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