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Announcing BREAKING public announcement has been released

From: eura oliver
Subject: Announcing BREAKING public announcement has been released
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 22:41:15 +0700

ALERT Additional News Just released! lncredible! His shoulders were sore and stiff from the heavy strain upon them of the previous day, and he wished more than once that he had some of his mother's household liniment to rub them with.
Bio-Matrix Scientific Receives Certification of Compliance for Class 10,000 Processing Laboratory Thursday November 16, 8:30 am ET---Go online and read it N0w! Yet so great was his delight at reaching once more his native land that all discomforts were speedily forgotten. Much as he would have enjoyed a day in the great metropolis of the Pacific slope, Rob dared not delay longer than to take a general view of the place, to note its handsome edifices and to wonder at the throng of Chinese inhabiting one section of the town.
BMSNs state of the art Adult Stem Cell from fat storage Facility is N0w completed. This is major news. thought?.
This is a serious sector. Don't under-estimate it. We are alerting all aggressive investors before the street. Why.
The shares in our opinion are still dirt cheap! Remember, the CEO has openly stated did.
that as far as he kN0ws this is the first facility of it's kind. you.
Pay close attention in the days ahead. WE are almost certain the news hasn't even started. not.
This company has a float of under 3 million. When it moves it moves. chec k the charts. The Wizard opened his satchel and got out some sticking-plaster with which he mended the cuts Jim had received from the claws of the bears.
Bio-Matrix Inc. Wizard,.
BMSN.OB siskin.

Price: $0.99 up 16,67% on little volume, N0w up an additional 32% take.

Target: $6.00 ---Beacon Equity Research has placed the target. your.

Monumental news was released. Few know! These things were much more plainly and quickly viewed by Rob from above than by threading a way through the streets on foot; for he looked down upon the city as a bird does, and covered miles with a single glance.
Here's the News Wire Having satisfied his curiosity without attempting to alight, he turned to the southeast and followed the peninsula as far as Palo Alto, where he viewed the magnificent buildings of the university.
Bio-Matrix Announces Construction and lnstallation of the 10,000 Class Stem-Cell processing facility for tissue was just finished. marvels.

Go online and read it N0w to.

Adult Stem Cells available to treat many conditions and diseases today. Go do a search on google. Adult stem cells from fat. MSNBC's site will show you those miracles happening today. Do not under-estimate BMSN. Watch for NEWS More could come any second. And it did! Changing his course to the east, he soon reached Mount Hamilton, and, being attracted by the great tower of the Lick Observatory, he hovered over it until he found he had attracted the excited gaze of the inhabitants, who doubtless observed him very plainly through the big telescope. But so unreal and seemingly impossible was the sight witnessed by the learned astronomers that they have never ventured to make the incident public, although long after the boy had darted away into the east they argued together concerning the marvelous and incomprehensible vision.

all the advice enclosed is being put together solely based upon, info. that the data shows to be something that one could rely on, the information once held in. can't be insured as correct and/or affirmed. also you can't think this as a all inclusive. Please undstand this opinion inside has forward appearence words or phrases within the meaning of section 27A of the Securities act of 1933 and Section 21B of the SEC Act of 1934 that contain considerable uncertanties and other misc risks. BuyOr sell securities information is really just to inform you about what is going on and you really need tyo consider whether this is something you want to look into further and by all means, don't consider this an offer to purchase or not purchased but ratherget rid ofsecurities, This is a list of what we are not: licensed broker, broker dealer, market maker, in vestment banker, in vestment advisor,analyst or underwriter Before you make a decision, please consult with a professional. I would suggest calling maybe a broker or seomthing like that. You know, someone with professional advice. The last thing you want is to make a bad decision. no payment has been made to us at this time but hopefully soon. c@ sh would be great.
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