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Parted 1.4.11

From: Andrew Clausen
Subject: Parted 1.4.11
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 09:45:48 +1000

Hi all,

Changes: (since 1.4.10)
* updated docs w.r.t. boot disks
* sun_partition_align() allow partitions to END anywhere now (but prefer
at the end of cylinders)
* added assertions ped_partition_is_active (part) for
* for msdos disk labels: if the partitions aren't alignend properly, now
makes an attempt during msdos_partition_align() to align properly.
* new pt_BR.po (thanks Eliphas)
* moved Sun disk geometry sanity checks from sun_probe() into a separate
helper function _check_geometry_sanity(), which is now called by sun_open().
Now allows users to ignore.
* fixed endianess bug in disk_sun.c.  The size of the whole disk partition
was being computed incorrectly.
* in ped_device_close(), assert that the device is open (thanks to Wouter Coene)
* catch a bug in gcc 2.95.2 in ext2_mkfs_init_sb()  (thanks Wouter)
* only call bindtextdomain() in ped_init() if native language support is
enabled.  (thanks Wouter)
* fixed the assertion in disk.c, in _disk_check_sanity().  On msdos disk
labels, free space partitions should be > 5 * disk->dev->sectors, not > 5 * 63.
* now explicitly requires autoconf 2.49b, and will complain sufficiently...

Andrew Clausen

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