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Re: bug in version 1.6.21

From: Patrick Leslie Polzer
Subject: Re: bug in version 1.6.21
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 15:04:40 +0100

Hello Heinrich,

On Mon, 09 Jan 2006 14:38:53 +0100
Heinrich Häußler <Heinrich Häußler <address@hidden>> wrote:

 | O sorry!
 | But I have installed my ubuntu few days ago. And its updated. Did I make 
 | mistakes with apt-get update?
Let me show you the way a new software release takes.

First, developers (that's some other guys and me for GNU Parted) finish
a new version and release it (this is called the "upstream release").
Now package developers create a new package out of it (a .deb file for
Debian).  For most distributions this must be done separately.
After that the distribution people decide when this package will become
available for users (example: for ArchLinux this is most of the time very
fast, for Debian it usually takes ages). I don't know how fast Ubuntu is,
but they seem to be equally slow.

As for Parted, most people are still using the buggy 1.6.23 release.
And a medium-sized group is still using 1.6.21, a very old version.
We cannot do anything about it, we just release upstream and notify
people. If you want to have the latest version, either

a) ask the Ubuntu people when they will update their package of GNU Parted


b) download the source of the latest version of GNU Parted at the website,
   and build and install it. It's very simple:

   tar xvfz parted-
   cd parted-
   ./configure --prefix=/usr
   make install

You will have to execute the last command as user 'root'.



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