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A bug has been detected in GNU Parted

From: bilias
Subject: A bug has been detected in GNU Parted
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 14:31:09 +0200
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.1.6)

Backtrace has 7 calls on stack:
  7: /usr/lib/libparted-1.8.so.0(ped_assert+0x3b) [0x9c1f3b]
  6: /usr/lib/libparted-1.8.so.0 [0xa04ebb]
  5: /usr/lib/libparted-1.8.so.0(ped_disk_new+0xa3) [0x9cabb3]
  4: partprobe [0x8048859]
  3: partprobe(main+0x177) [0x8048b17]
  2: /lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xdc) [0x72fe9c]
  1: partprobe [0x8048751]
A bug has been detected in GNU Parted. Refer to the web site of parted http://www.gnu.org/software/parted/parted.html for more informations of what could be useful for bug submitting! Please email a bug report to address@hidden containing at least the version (1.8.1) and the following message: Assertion ((PedSector) PED_LE64_TO_CPU (gpt->AlternateLBA) <= disk->dev->length - 1) at gpt.c:815 in function gpt_read() failed.

Centos 5.4


Kapetanakis Giannis

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