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Re: parted bug, don't read the partition table

From: jdd
Subject: Re: parted bug, don't read the partition table
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 19:13:35 +0200
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Le 23/04/2010 18:37, Jim Meyering a écrit :

> The second is to make it easy to reproduce the problem.
> Do you know how to do that?

alas probably not. The drive is fixed now and I can't really
experiment with him given this erases partitions :-( - but if I can I
will report.

> Considering that this problem is very unlikely
> to affect many people, and that the fix will only make it
> easier for those few to diagnose a corrupt partition table,
> fixing it has low priority.

I know. I see this more as an enhancement. In the code, when you hit a
corrupt partition table you have to make some action. In this case,
parted gave no clue (or may be in log files, but this part of the data
was erased in the recovery process). With util-linux fdisk, the
problem was visible only by the partition table number: it said
logical partition had a "3" as name, hence not being really logical
(but didn't complain about wrong table).

It's easy to see that partitions staying *before* the corrupt part are
safe (is that true?) and can be kept. At least parted could display
the partition table as read and allow removing partitions..

Of course, I don't expect parted to fix the problem by itself.

You may keep this somewhere, just in case you happen to work on this
part of the code :-))

> Hence, the more you can do, the more likely it is to be fixed.
> If you're still interested in a few weeks, and nothing

anyway I'm interested. I'm the author of the LDP partition HOWTO, and
as I notice partitionning become more and more difficult (new file
systems, new disks kinds...) I try to follow this as near as I can



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