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[bug-recutils] emacs rec-mode numeric prefix for prev/next

From: Julio Claudio Matus Ramirez
Subject: [bug-recutils] emacs rec-mode numeric prefix for prev/next
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 21:36:31 +0900
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)


Moving around using rec-mode in emacs can be a bit stressing without any
numeric prefix support for browsing commands. At least for me...

Often, I find myself wanting to move like seven records before or after
the current one (like when looking at daily records and wanting to know
the same day's data for the previous/next week).

Would you consider adding numeric prefix support for the current
next/prev-rec commands?

I'm attaching a patch with a working version. Instead of pressing "n" or
"p" till you see the record you want, you can do like "C-u 7 n", or
"M-7 n" (same for "p"), to move the number of records specified in one

Please let me know what you think.
Julio Matus
address@hidden (XMPP/mail)
diaspora: aptitudeworks.com/u/rikijpn

Attachment: 0001-next-prev-rec-commands-in-rec-mode-can-accept-numeri.patch
Description: git patch

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